New measures in Easter 2021


Health Minister Bent Høie (H) said during a press conference on Friday that Easter this year will not be business as usual.

For infection control reasons, the government has several calls.

He says that people from areas with a high level of infection should not travel to hotels or other accommodation.

– If you come from a municipality with a high infection and strict tips and rules, you should also follow these rules where you spend Easter, says Høie.

Healthy people can complete the trip in the cabin, provided they adhere to a strict infection control regimen, but going from cabin to cabin is not recommended.

You should also avoid visiting by more than five people, Høie says.

- Now we need everyone to contribute

– Now we need everyone to contribute

Here are all the tips:

  • Traveling abroad is not recommended unless strictly necessary. Avoid unnecessary travel in Norway.
  • Travel to a leisure property (owned / borrowed / rented) can still be done if you take extra care with infection control along the way and in the resort. Then travel with your relatives or close people, preferably do the shopping before departure and stay away from others.
  • It is important to investigate what measures are applied in the municipality where you are staying, for example through the municipalities’ websites or
  • If you travel to a municipality with less strict measures than your municipality of origin, as a general rule you should follow the recommendations that apply to your home.
  • If you are in quarantine, or waiting for test results, you should not go on Easter holidays, not even to your own cabin.
  • If you are in the cabin and you get sick, you should go home. If you are called and quarantined, you must go home.
  • You can travel to hotels within the country, but stay away from other guests and limit your stay in common areas. If you come from an area with a high level of contagion and strict local measures, you should not go to hotels or similar accommodation where many people gather.
  • Going from cabin to cabin is not recommended as this carries a significantly higher risk of spreading the infection.
  • If unguarded cabins are to be used, it should be possible to reserve in advance so that there are no more households / fellow travelers at the same time
  • If the cabins are difficult to access and the need for medical attention and the possibility of quarantine / testing can create challenges for local health authorities, it should be considered locally whether to recommend the closure of such cabins. In the case of strictly necessary trips abroad (for example, children who are going to visit their parents in another country), it is very important to be careful on the trip and to comply with the quarantine regulations and the requirements for tests when returning.
  • Tourism stakeholders should consider limiting access to common areas in order to reduce the risk of infection and facilitate compliance with infection control recommendations.
  • If you come from an area with a high level of contagion and strict local measures, night visits are not recommended during Easter. Children and young people under the age of 20 who live alone can receive overnight visits from 1-2 regular friends.
  • Preferably choose outdoor activities. Avoid visiting places where many people are gathered and where it is not easy to keep your distance, such as restaurants, ski rooms, heating rooms, playgrounds, water parks and the like. You can visit the resorts, but avoid the crowds.

In addition, you should not participate, for example, in the services of Holy Week and similar in municipalities outside the municipality of origin.

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Continue travel restrictions

The strict entry restrictions will continue until April 7, and will likely be extended after this as well. This was stated by the Minister of Justice Monica Mæland (H) during the press conference on Friday.

It also makes a clear call to stay within national borders.

– We are approaching Easter, and it is a holiday in which many people usually travel abroad to celebrate. This will not be the case this year. We highly recommend that everyone stay in Norway, unless you have a strictly necessary trip, says Mæland.

The government wants tighter control of quarantine implementation, and is now changing the rules so that those returning after unnecessary pleasure travel from abroad must quarantine in hotels.

They must stay in a hotel until a negative test is available, at least the third day.

Those taking strictly necessary trips must follow the usual quarantine rules.

The exception applies to strong welfare considerations, traveling to be with minor children, give birth to their own child, visit a dying or seriously ill person in a close family, and bury a close family member.
