– The worst I’ve ever seen – VG


(Juventus-Porto 3-2, 4-4 overall after extra time) Cristiano Ronaldo and Juventus have been eliminated from the Champions League. Porto are ready for the quarter-finals after scoring two goals away from home.


“It’s the worst I’ve ever seen,” Viasat expert commentator Morten Langli claimed after Ronaldo turned his butt and punched a hole in the wall.

The scoreboard was decisive and ensured that Juventus was turned off. Even earlier in the match, Langli didn’t seem particularly impressed with the efforts of the Portuguese.

– It has been more or less invisible, said Morten Langli after the first day of the decisive match two of the quarterfinals between Juventus and Porto.

“He” was Cristiano Ronaldo, and he was weak from minute one to 45, with his Juventus trailing 1-2 from the start. Like the home team in general.

“Weak” was not firmer when Sergio Oliveira, with a confident foot, tinkled the first goal of the game on a penalty, for the guests of Ronaldo’s native Portugal.

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Porto Taremi was removed from office, Judge Björn Kuipers of the Netherlands had to obtain assistance from the VAR before finally letting Oliveira act as executor. Then, on the other hand, Juventus goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny had no chance.

In the 19th minute of play.

In other words, Cristiano Ronaldo & company had plenty of time to catch up. They misused it. Before, the opposite happened as soon as the second part started. From almost nothing, Ronaldo gained “control” of the ball in a duel within the 16-meter area of ​​Porto. He finished with Chiesa, who crushed him, well precisely, in the center left behind Porto’s last stronghold, Marchesin.

OVER AND OUT: Cristiano Ronaldo must claim that the battle has been lost at home in Turin. Porto advanced to the quarterfinals after 2-1 at home and 2-3 away. In the away goal rule, in other words. Photo: MARCO BERTORELLO / AFP

Four minutes later, Taremi received a yellow card. Usually it is not that dangerous. Isolated set. However, the referee was not impressed and admonished him to dive.

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Cristiano Ronaldo did not take long to warn the leader of the Dutch party, and thus took the second yellow – and the red – against Taremi. When Federico Chiesa scored his second goal of the night, 14 minutes after the first, and his fourth goal in the Champions League this season, “we” were just as far behind.

GOODBYE: Ronaldo and Juventus recovered from a weak and weak first half. Ronaldo’s performance on the wall in Porto’s decisive free kick was disastrous. Photo: Fabio Ferrari / LaPresse

Seven minutes before 90 minutes, Chiesa, the best player on the field, came within a hair of a hat-trick and led Juventus to the quarter-finals. But Marchesin put a little finger on the ball, which escaped from the goal frame.

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– The best Porto can hope for is a penalty shootout competition, said Morten Langli de Viasat from the licensee’s expert study, before the first extra round.

– There it boils, and Porto defends himself with picks and claws, he remarked before the last extra round.

Sergio Oliveira wanted it differently. From far away he had to do it, on a free kick.

Katastrophe for Juventus.

The 2-2 and Porto were on, and so were they when Adrien Rabiot made it 3-2 a few minutes later. About the away goal rule.

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