Corona – Calls for vaccination


– We receive many messages from people who are frustrated by the delay in vaccination. There are many who hope that Norway, in addition to thinking short-term about corona vaccines, will also think long-term and allow us to face both corona and new pandemics in the future.

This is what FRP Deputy Leader Sylvi Listhaug tells Dagbladet.

The heads of government of Israel, Austria and Denmark announced Thursday that they have begun a collaboration for the development and production of future corona vaccines.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was among those who presented the cooperation during a press conference in Jerusalem, along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

– We agree that we will have to intensify cooperation globally, because covid-19 will not disappear, he said, among other things, according to NTB.

Level alert

Alert level “orange” at school

It will have its own production

Now the government should aim to turn the three-leaf clover into a four-leaf clover and adhere to the deal as soon as possible, says Deputy Leader Sylvi Listhaug in the Progress Party.

Listhaug believes that Norway needs its own vaccine production, which can be expanded when necessary during crises. She believes this will “ensure both preparation and employment.”

– Now we hope that the government will contact Israel, Denmark and Austria and sign up to cooperation to ensure the Norwegian population access to vaccines in the future, says Listhaug.

Secretary of State Saliba Andreas Korkunc from the Ministry of Health and Care Services responds to Listhaug in an email to Dagbladet.

– The Norwegian team has no plans to collaborate with Israel in the purchase of vaccines, and there is also no indication that Israel will have doses of vaccines for sale in the near future, he writes.

Read his full answer below in the case.

- No need to store the snow shovel

– No need to store the snow shovel

Expected initiative

Listhaug says he understands that handling the pandemic constitutes a demanding situation for the government.

– But we expected them to be a little more active. The FRP hoped that the government had taken the initiative to participate in what Austria and Denmark have now worked on together with Israel, it says.

Listhaug believes that Norway can benefit from cooperation with the countries in question.

“Israel is at the forefront when it comes to vaccinating the population, and there is much that we can learn and gain knowledge from in close cooperation with them in this area,” says Listhaug.

According to Listhaug, a number of Norwegian players are willing to invest in Norwegian production capacity and produce licensed vaccines from pharmaceutical companies.

Bodø: everyone infected with the South African virus

Bodø: everyone infected with the South African virus

– Close cooperation

Secretary of State Saliba Andreas Korkunc, from the Ministry of Health and Care Services, affirms that Norway exchanges experiences with other countries on vaccination, both at the political and official level.

– In mid-January, Prime Minister Erna Solberg attended a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, where she told how Israel has worked with the launch of vaccines, she writes in an email to Dagbladet.

MEASUREMENTS: This is the opinion of the Vice President of FRP, Sylvi Listhaug, on the measures. Video: Steinar Suvatne
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However, “close cooperation with the EU” is Norway’s main strategy for access to corona vaccines, he writes.

Positive for Norwegian production

The municipality adopts a ban

The municipality adopts a ban

He points out that more than half a million doses of vaccines have been established in Norway.

– Based on comparisons of public vaccination data from, only a handful of OECD countries have set a higher dose ratio than us. During March and in the second quarter, we expect a significant increase in vaccine deliveries, Korkunc writes.

It also confirms that the Ministry of Health and Care Services has received several inquiries from actors with plans for the production of vaccines in Norway.

– We are positive about this type of initiative and we have had meetings with the Pharmaceutical Industry, ECAM and Vaccibody.

CRITICS: Storting representatives Ingvild Kjerkol (Labor Party) and Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) say the government’s handling of import infections has been delayed from the start. Reporter: Jørgen Gilbrant. Photo: Bjørge Dahle Johansen / Dagbladet TV
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The cooperation between Denmark, Israel and Austria has not gone unnoticed.

On Thursday, the French Foreign Ministry criticized EU countries seeking solutions outside of European cooperation, according to NTB.

– The most effective solution to meet our vaccine needs must remain within the European framework. This is what guarantees solidarity between member states, which is more precarious than ever, he said in a statement.
