Ted Cruz apologizes for vacation in Mexico and blames his daughters – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


Political opponents of the Democrats demanded that Cruz resign after he left for Cancun on the Yucatan Peninsula. Even the leader of the Republican Party in Texas refused to defend Cruz.

“This is something you have to answer to your constituents,” Allen West said when asked about the senator’s trip.

Cruz first responded to the criticism by noting that he was going to accompany his children to Mexico and that he stayed in Cancun for only one day, from Wednesday to Thursday of this week, before returning to his home in Texas.

– Schools are closed all week and our girls asked if they could go to Mexico with friends. “I wanted to be a good father, so I flew with them last night and flew back this afternoon,” Cruz said in a statement from Mexico on Thursday.

Protesters outside Ted Cruz's home called him a traitor Wednesday after he left the state during extreme cold.

Protesters outside Ted Cruz’s home called him a traitor Wednesday after he left the state during extreme cold.

Photo: Marie D. De Jesús / AP

I had asked people to stay home

The trip to Mexico came after he encouraged people in Texas to stay home in a radio interview earlier this week. Hundreds of thousands were still without power or water when he returned Thursday afternoon.

– It was an obvious mistake and, in hindsight, he would not have traveled, he said on American soil Thursday night.

He then explained that he returned to the United States because he realized they needed him there. He said that he would actually be in Mexico for the weekend.

“I didn’t want all the yelling and howling around this trip to take away attention from the real issues that concern Texans, and that’s to ensure everyone is safe,” Cruz said.

3 million were without power

In Texas, people have started to regain power after 3 million homes lost power on Wednesday.

As of Thursday night, 325,000 homes were still without power. Even in states like Oregon, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia, hundreds of thousands are without power.

Winter weather with unusually severe cold and heavy snowfall, which has ravaged Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi for several days, is now heading east.

The US meteorological service NWS warns that the snow and cold in the coming days will reach as far east as Maryland and Pennsylvania.

The Midwest and the Mississippi Valley can expect temperatures as low as 20-30 degrees below normal, according to the NWS before Saturday, while the cold remains in Texas, where it is not used to such cold weather.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, there is a foot of snow on the ground and it has started snowing in New York as well.

At least 30 died

So far, at least 30 weather-related deaths have been reported, some in car accidents on icy roads, others as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to keep warm with stoves and gas stoves.

In Tennessee, twelve people had to be rescued when a jetty on the Cumberland River collapsed under heavy snow, and in Houston a family was killed in a running car in a garage.

In Texas, the situation is particularly bad, with frozen and cracked water pipes that have left hundreds of thousands of people without water.
