Man shot in Bjølsen, a suspect has been arrested – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


At three in the afternoon the police reported that they had detained one person. He is charged with attempted murder, crime watch leader Mona Nordby tells NTB.

According to Avisa Oslo, the detainee was taken away in a police operation in Torshov, not far from Bjølsen.

The wounded man was found in Ålesundgata in Bjørlsen, around 9 pm after police were notified that shots had been fired.

– We found an injured person inside an apartment, says operations manager Arve Røtterud to NRK.

The wounded man is a man in his 20s. Shortly before midnight, the police announced that he was not seriously injured.

The apartment where the man was found is most likely not the scene. Police are searching for the place where the man was shot. They think it happened outdoors.

A search was conducted in the area last night with criminal search dogs.

Flee the place

Witnesses have noted that three possible perpetrators have been seen running through the Treschows gate in the direction of Akerselva, Røtterud says.

Police in Bjølsen after a person was shot.

INVESTIGATOR: Police in Bjølsen after a person was shot.


Police describe them as three men with an Arab appearance.

From what the police know so far, the wounded man is not part of a criminal environment, but they emphasize that it is early in the investigation.

Unknown injuries

– We also do not know anything about the relationship between the injured and the perpetrators, says the leader of the task.

Person shot in Bjølsen

EMERGENCY: Ambulance and police left with several patrol cars.

Police were unable to question the man before the ambulance arrived and picked him up. He was taken directly to Ullevål hospital.

According to neighbors, at least one loud bang was heard just before the police and ambulance were in place.
