This exchange is now the largest in Europe – E24


London has lost its role as Europe’s largest hub for equity trading, new figures showed Thursday.

Amsterdam is now in the driver’s seat for trading stocks in Europe.

Peter Dejong / AP / NTB

Published: Published:

Figures from CBOE Global Markets showed that shares traded at an average of NOK 94.4 billion on Euronext Amsterdam and other city-linked exchanges in January, more than four times more than in December.

In London, the value of shares traded fell to an average of NOK 88.25 billion in January, after the UK left the EU single market on December 31. The trade agreement between the UK and the EU did not contain any financial services agreement.

Therefore, EU financial institutions cannot trade stocks in London, as Brussels now does not recognize British stock exchanges. As a result, daily trading of NOK 67 million shares left London and headed to the mainland.

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