If Trump didn’t intervene, this is how the president should have been responsible for the storm – VG


The Supreme Court case against Donald Trump continues. Prosecutors state how they believe the president did not intervene and stop the attack.


The second day of the Supreme Court case against Donald Trump ended. The resigned president is accused of inciting his followers to attack Congress on January 6.

For this reason, it has been very important for Democrats to convince the Supreme Court jury – which is made up of Senate senators – that the rhetoric and actions of the resigned president were decisive for the violence that took place in the Congress building. that day.

– Senators, you’ve seen the evidence so far. And this is clear: On January 6, President Trump let everyone die in the Congress building, Joaquín Castro of the prosecution team said in his closing remarks on Wednesday.

He accused Donald Trump of failing to intervene properly when he realized the magnitude of the situation.

– If you did not know that the rhetoric would make the fans scream “Hang up Mike Pence”, you knew at 14.15. The attack was in all the media, he said, and continued:

– Instead of asking them not to hurt the vice president, he poured gasoline on the fire. Against his own vice president, who feared for his life.

Did you bring it with you? This is how close the rebels came to finding Mike Pence

It was almost two hours since the rebels entered the Congress building before Trump recognized the events taking place on Capitol Hill.

Castro then shows a video of insurgents reading aloud from Trump’s Twitter account, in which he says Pence did not have “the courage to do what it takes to protect the country.”

Castro’s remarks come after a 45-minute lunch break at the trial. During the break, Trump defender Bruce Castor said Democrats did not link the rebels’ actions to Trump.

– I didn’t get to know something that I didn’t already know. We know that a mob came to Congress and caused chaos. “I’m hoping they tie this to President Trump, and so far it hasn’t happened,” the defense attorney told CNN.

Defender Castor was severely reprimanded for his performance on the first day of the Supreme Court case on Tuesday. It must have angered Trump himself.

When asked if he fears the video clips will affect senators’ feelings, the defender responds as follows:

– They will affect the feelings of any jury. But there are two sides to every issue, and we haven’t found ours yet.

“Propaganda video” shared during the attack

Congressman David Cicilline on the prosecution team points out during the trial that Donald Trump in the days after the attack did not condemn the events.

Not once did he condemn the attackers. The only one he convicted on January 6 was his own vice president Mike Pence, who hid in this building with his own family, where he feared for his life, Cicilline says.

– In the critical first hours of this violent attack, he did nothing to stop it. Nothing to help us.

Cicilline then shows a video that the president shared on Twitter an hour after the rebels stormed the convention building. The prosecutor refers to it as “a propaganda video.”

– If you did not know the consequences of what you said in the previous speech, the violence at this time is openly visible. says the congressman. Cicilline therefore believes that the president should have tried to defuse the situation at the time.

– Even his family begged him to do something. It is clear that those closest to the president in the situation asked him to do something. It is also clear what he did: nothing.
