Power, Elkjøp | He was persuaded to buy safety insurance:


– You avoid the deductible, said the seller. That was not true.

In October 2020, Stian Thørner Holm Miland bought an iPad for her son. After some skepticism, they convinced him to buy a security deal:

– I said I didn’t need it because I could use content insurance. Then the seller argued that I set aside the deductible with the warranty agreement. Then you get a new Ipad if the one you buy breaks, said the seller.

The deal was sold as “idiotic insurance,” says Holm Miland, who ended up adding NOK 949 to the price of a two-year warranty deal.

Already at the end of November, Holm Miland was used for insurance: the screen was broken.

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– Yes, you have to pay a deductible

Back at the store, Power on Strømmen, they told him that the iPad had to be repaired before he could get a new one. They told him it could take ten days.

– Then they told me there was a deductible of 400 crowns. Then I said that one of the seller’s arguments for buying the insurance was precisely that it had no deductible. But I lost this discussion and had to bitterly pay the 400 crowns deductible.

Holm Miland is also not particularly pleased with how long it has taken to learn that the iPad could not be repaired. He has now delivered for repair twice, and both times, Power’s text messages informed him of requested replacement parts and a repair process.

Both times it took more than two weeks, compared to a maximum of ten days in the first message from Power, and the iPad has not been repaired, despite what the SMS say.

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– It was not made new, despite the terms of the contract.

When Holm Miland reappeared in the store after the first round of service, she was told that the iPad could not be repaired. I was going to get a “trade-in device,” a used iPad of the same type.

– It was proof of another hidden lie from the seller. The iPad was so damaged that they couldn’t repair it. Why not buy a new one, as the insurance salesperson had said?

The insurance cost 949 crowns for two years, the iPad just 4,000 crowns. Holm Miland has used the insurance twice and has therefore spent almost 1,800 crowns on the insurance, about half the purchase price.

– I can understand that it is a deductible, but I react to the fact that the sales pitch is somewhat different from the facts.

-You must provide a new product

Power’s terms and conditions state: “If the damaged product is not repaired, you will receive a new product with similar specifications.”

They don’t say anything about “swap device”, but just below the sentence above, this one appears:

“The insurance reimburses the reasonable costs of the repairs. In the event of compensable loss or replacement, the damage is compensated by a product with similar performance, but not at a higher price than the original item. “

There are also a number of exceptions to what insurance covers, such as normal wear and tear. If you have received a lot of scratches, for example, the insurance will not matter, because the mobile phone or tablet can still be used.

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– Of course it’s unfortunate

– It is impossible for us to prove whether the customer is sufficiently informed about the deductible when purchasing the Security Agreement, but it is part of our routines to report this, and it should always be done. If it hasn’t been done in this case, it is of course regrettable, says Siri Røhr-Staff, Power’s manager of public relations and communications.

She says the practice of dividend units (SWAP units) is common in insurance cases involving Apple products.

– As Apple (and some other vendors) do not accept repair of various types of damage from external service workshops, it generally ends up that Apple sends a “replacement unit” or “exchange unit” to the workshop, and this is replaced by the client.

Customers with product defects covered by the warranty will generally also receive such a device, which is guaranteed to be repaired by Apple itself, says Røhr-Staff.

– This is how Apple implements the service, and they are the same routines for all Apple product retailers.

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– frustrating

– So far I am satisfied with the new and used machine, even if it does not come in a new box. But it’s frustrating that it takes so long. When you’re still done with a dividend unit, it’s strange that you don’t get it in ten days, says Holm Miland.

Service and workshop text messages are standard text messages sent for all products, states Røhr-Staff:

– I understand that this is not entirely clear to the client in this case. But since Apple devices are not repaired, I think our employee that the customer has been in contact with has given notice that it is not repairable precisely because Apple does not repair their devices.

– Insurance for all gadgets in the house.

If Holm Miland had chosen to use content insurance, the deductible would have been higher. Both If and Gjensidige have extended content insurance that covers, for example, a broken mobile screen.

In If, the deductible is NOK 2,000. In Gjensidige’s extended content insurance, compensation for mobile displays is specifically covered by a deductible of NOK 500. If you lose the iPad on the floor, the share is 2000 kr, as with If.

– Home contents insurance covers all household appliances. If you need a security deal for every mobile and iPad, it quickly gets expensive, says information manager Sigmund Clementz at If Skadeforsikring.

Clementz recommends a thorough check, and preferably before going to the store: –

– When it comes to items such as household electronics, coverage should always be verified according to the Consumer Purchase Law, which provides property coverage for many incidents. This also applies to the withdrawal period law. And then you should check the coverage in the travel and content insurance. Up-to-date insurance often provides coverage, Clementz says.


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