Corona vaccination – Good news: – We may be at the goal


The Minister for Children and Families, Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF), can afford a smile:

– Soon we have fully vaccinated everyone in nursing homes who want a vaccine, he tells Dagbladet.

Thus, Ropstad promises that the country is ahead of the FHI way. On January 29, the National Institute of Public Health estimated that full vaccination of nursing home residents would be complete by mid-February.

FHI estimates that there are approximately 40,000 residents in nursing homes, according to FHI statistics, just over 38,000 people have been fully vaccinated.

– The data we have is not completely up to date, but we think we can be on target with the vaccine for this group as early as this week, he says.

– Calling the most vulnerable is the most important thing we do. Vaccination of risk groups can prevent serious illness and death, says the KrF leader.

Ropstad: - If you are not sure whether you should test yourself, go ahead and test yourself

Ropstad: – If you are not sure whether you should test yourself, go ahead and test yourself

Erna’s stage smokes

A week ago, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) presented three possible scenarios for the corona pandemic.

But already on Friday, Dagbladet was able to say that the most optimistic scenario has smoked for the Prime Minister.

If we had fully vaccinated all the people in the risk groups before Easter, we would have had to receive a total of at least 2.8 million doses of vaccine, while so far we have received approximately 250,000 doses (figures from 29 February January). If Norway receives all the vaccines that we were promised in the coming months, we will receive 1.4 million doses by Easter.

Crushing Erna's Vaccine Dream

Crushing Erna’s Vaccine Dream

– it will be safer

The fact that nursing home residents are now fully vaccinated these days still makes life a little brighter, according to Ropstad.

– Now it will be safer to have a visit to a nursing home. It has been painful to hear stories about older people who have not been able to visit for over a year. There are also older people who have not received the end of life they deserve. Now it will be much easier for municipalities to arrange visits.

Vaccination began in Norway on Christmas 2020, and several have berated the government for the too slow pace.

– All within September

On Thursday, FHI presented its optimistic scenario. It can work if everything goes well, if several new vaccines are approved and we receive all the vaccine deliveries that we were promised.

In this scenario, all people in risk groups have been offered the first dose of vaccine towards the end of May, and their vaccination will continue for some time until July.

– At best, vaccinations for everyone over 18 can be completed by mid-September, FHI Director Camilla Stoltenberg said Thursday.

The alarm sounds.  Images create fear

The alarm sounds. Images create fear

– Satisfied with the rhythm

Especially for risk groups, which include more than the elderly, critics believe that it is too late.

According to FHI calculations, around 1.4 million Norwegians belong to the various risk groups. The government has previously operated with an estimate of 1.3 million. So far only 30,000 Norwegians have been fully vaccinated. 135,000 have received the first dose.

When it comes to the elderly in particular, Kjell Ingolf Ropstad is still satisfied.

– You can always wish that things go even faster, but the government is very satisfied with the pace of this group. Last week came the message that the elderly who are fully vaccinated can be given a hug again, warmed the heart, and is a sign that we are going in the right direction, says the leader of KrF.
