Norwegian politics, Frp | Solvik-Olsen asks Frp to cut this word


Struts of self-confidence even though the party sees number 6: – FRP should have the prime minister, says Ketil Solvik-Olsen.

Watch a video interview with Ketil Solvik-Olsen here:

SOLLI PLASS (Nettavisen): Freezing cold doesn’t stop Ketil Solvik-Olsen from walking a mile from Voksenkollen to a hot chocolate with cream in the center.

And seven months before the parliamentary elections, the FRP must change.

In a recent poll conducted by Norfakta for Klassekampen, the party gets 6.4 percent, the worst individual poll since spring 1995.

Also read: Worst measurement in 26 years for Frp

-How are you going to be able to raise the party that in many polls is very low?

– I think we can rise to the election. It’s about us now having order in our own organization, and then optimism and the will to fight returns among our members, Solvik-Olsen tells Nettavisen.

Since the FRP left the government in January of last year, the great promise has not materialized. Instead, the fall culminated in the Oslo Frp administration after the county leader, Geir Ugland Jacobsen, was ousted in December.

Also read: He was excluded from Frp – now Geir Ugland Jacobsen has joined the Democrats

– FRP should have the prime minister

Solvik-Olsen now thinks it will be easier to show FRP policy and mentions fighting for better integration and against gang crime, countering waste of taxpayer money and against the city council’s “ban line” when it comes of meat and diesel meats.

– We in the FRP are the best to solve this, and then I think voters will see that if there is another change, the FRP has the key.

– What support do you think you should have?

– The FRP should be one of the largest parties, and I myself have said that the FRP should be a government party with a prime minister. We will now fight in the 2021 elections to maintain the mandates that we have and then grow accordingly.

Keeps the door ajar

– Some also suggest you as a future FRP leader. How do you approach it?

– Now I want to do a job in Oslo with the organization and then I am a parliamentary candidate for Rogaland, so I want to contribute the best I can. The most important thing is what team we have in general, not what role I have.

Many remember Solvik as a clear Minister of Transportation in the Solberg government before a stay in the United States with the family caused him to retire.

He is now back as head of the interim board in Oslo Frp.

On sneaky Islamization

At the national meeting this fall, he spoke of talking about immigration with “consent.” It caused a bit of a stir.

Also read: This is how Ketil Solvik-Olsen responds to Siv Jensen’s reprimand

– Says immigration will be one of the most important issues for the FRP in the run-up to the elections. Do you want to warn against using words like “stealth Islamization”?

– I have said that I want to discuss more politics with a softer voice. This doesn’t mean that we should have a softer position, but it does mean that we should use words that people hear, rather than hang on word choice, says, and elaborates:

– We should be able to point out that immigrant youth are heavily over-represented in gang crime in Oslo, but without stigmatizing all immigrants for that reason. We must go after those who really create the problems, I think many immigrants also support it.

– Right on the muzzle

– So is disguised Islamization a word that you think should be avoided?

– Yes, but it depends on the context. When Siv said the first few times he was fine, the Muslims demanded that we remove photos of pigs from a senior center. I mean, I’m completely in my face.

– Muslims must accept that in Norway there is nothing negative in having a pig, neither as an animal, food or photographed. So it was perfect. Had we bowed to this, there would have been a degree of stealth Islamization, he believes.

It has been 12 years since FRP leader Siv Jensen took the podium at the FRP national meeting and warned against stealth Islamization and ghettoization. The word appears regularly.

Also read: Spelling: Let’s remove that word!

– Some words live their own life

But, some words live their own lives, and the top FRP will warn against:

– Now that “stealth Islamization” is often used against the FRP, then the debate loses meaning. But, when you want to change Norwegian customs to suit another religion, then it is correct to use that word. But most of the discussions in Norway are on a completely different level, and then we have to look at which words best describe what we are in, rather than using a word that fits so many years ago and repeating it regardless of context.

Also read: FRP above: – Good reasons to use the word sneaky Islamization

– I think immigration policy is extremely important. Migration is one of the main challenges we face, and we must have control over immigration policy if we are to ensure a “sustainable welfare society”. Rather than believing that you are better helped by bringing refugees and asylum seekers to Norway, we think it makes more sense to help as many people as possible where they live, Solvik-Olsen believes.

See also this video interview with Ketil Solvik-Olsen:


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