Donald Trump – Defender Reveals Plan


NEW YORK / OSLO (Dagbladet): The Supreme Court case against former President Donald Trump is fast approaching. On February 9, consideration of the case will begin in the Senate.

The team’s lead attorney, Bruce Castor, has hinted that he will respond in kind and use the Democrats’ own words in his arguments during the case next week, Politico writes. He will defend Trump alongside David Schoen.

EVIDENCE: House Democrats obtained moving photos of the attack on Congress on January 6. They will be used against Donald Trump in the Supreme Court. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. Video: safety only
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Shocking images

Democrats are expected to release a lengthy video of the Capitol Hill riots on January 6.

At least five people, including a police officer, lost their lives. Many Trump supporters posted shocking videos on social media during the attack. As a result, 135 people have been arrested and 150 federal charges have been dropped.

Friend of Trump along with right-wing extremists before the attack

Friend of Trump along with right-wing extremists before the attack

In the Supreme Court case, the Democrats plan to make people remember how dramatic this day in American history was. Although Trump is still unlikely to be convicted, requiring 17 Republican senators to vote Democrats, allies fear Trump will continue to view the case as a public relations nightmare for him.

Hard attacks

Trump’s original defense team withdrew just over a week after the former president, according to the Washington Post, insisted that the strategy be based on false accusations of voter fraud.

The memorandum presented by the new defense team a few days ago indicates that they want to focus on the claim that the Supreme Court indictment is unconstitutional because Trump has already left the White House. They also believe that Trump’s controversial statements are within the realm of free speech.

Now Castor is also signaling that they will launch tough attacks on Democrats and try to show how leading Democrats and other left-wing radicals and Black Lives Matter protesters have behaved at least as badly as Trump and his supporters did on January 6.

The lie has cost more than $ 519 million

The lie has cost more than $ 519 million

With the same coin

Fox News anchor and Trump supporter Laura Ingraham asked Castor in an interview over the weekend if she would also use video footage if Democrats showed video of the Congressional attack.

– So you will respond with Maxine Water, several other Democratic politicians, not to mention Antifa and other extremist events last summer? Ingraham asks.

– I think you can count on that. If my eyes look a little red, it’s because I’ve seen a lot of video material, Castor says.

As many other high-profile Americans have done before him, former US President Donald Trump moved to Florida to spend his retirement at the Sunshine State. Reporters: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen and Vegard Kvaale.
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– Are not welcome

Maxine Waters is a high-profile Democratic congresswoman and one of those people Trump has often attacked at rallies.

In the summer of 2018, he asked his supporters to publicly confront members of the Trump administration in response to immigration policy that led to children and parents being separated at the border if they tried to enter the United States as asylum seekers.

– If you see someone from the government in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you walk away and gather a crowd. And you push against them. And you tell them that they are no longer welcome anywhere. We need the children to return to their parents, Waters said, among other things, according to CNN.

- The KGB tried Trump for 40 years.

– The KGB tried Trump for 40 years.

Massive demonstrations

At the beginning of the broadcast with Ingraham, Castor also claimed there were video footage “of burning cities and courthouses attacked and federal agents attacked by street rebels, which were hailed by Democrats across the country,” apparently citing unrest in Portland.

SEA OF FLAME: A man was taken to the hospital after being set on fire during a demonstration in Portland, US, according to CNN. Journalist: Christian Wehus. Video: AP
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For much of the summer of last year, there were massive demonstrations against police violence and racism in many cities in the United States. Portland was one of the cities with the most demonstrations. It was also one of the cities where there were clashes between Black Lives Matter protesters and far-right counter-protesters. Trump himself spent a lot of time accusing left-wing protesters of violence in the city, while downplaying the role played by right-wing extremist groups, Politico writes.

– Many in Washington use the most provocative rhetoric possible. And there would certainly be no indication that they were doing anything to incite these actions.

– But here, when you have a president who gives a speech and says that you must peacefully show your opinions to the people in Congress, he suddenly becomes a villain.

Allies fear a new public relations nightmare

Allies fear a new public relations nightmare

– Fight like hell

Before the deadly attack on Congress, Trump delivered a speech to thousands of supporters in Washington DC “We will never give up and we will never acknowledge the loss of elections,” he said, among other things. He also urged supporters to march to the Capitol, where the election result would be officially approved.

– We have to fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country anymore, Trump said.

Trump is accused of encouraging “violent, deadly, destructive and subversive acts” in connection with the assault on the Congress building. He is also accused of having “undermined and tried to prevent the approval of the result of the presidential elections.”

Earlier this week, Democrats in the House of Representatives asked Trump to testify under oath in the Supreme Court case. Castor gave them a no-no and called the lawsuit a public relations stunt.

REQUEST: The Supreme Court indictment against former US President Donald Trump was formally handed over to the Senate on Tuesday night. Video: AP
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