Challenged by Carl: – Don’t pull me


Aina Stenersen (Frp) says she is “humbled and proud” after the nominating committee nominated her last week for third place on the Oslo Frp list for the Storting elections.

– I am honored by the trust of the nominating committee. Now I am ready for the election campaign. This time I’m not retiring, he tells Dagbladet.

Four years ago, the starting point was the same as today: Stenersen was nominated for fourth place, but she let party veteran Carl I. Hagen take her place when she announced the party’s vote.

FRP rages: - Repeated lie

FRP rages: – Repeated lie

Aina’s electoral promise

So it is Carl I. Hagen who has been an MP in the Storting for the last four years, not Aina Stenersen.

The former FRP leader has announced once again that he will challenge Stenersen. But this time Hagen must prepare for battle.

– I can promise that I will not retire, says Aina Stenersen.

– Why did you retire last time?

– The situation was different then. The FRP was in the government and I did not want to be someone who contributed to personal struggle rather than party politics. Also, Carl was at the end of eight years as a group leader in the city council group. It was a difficult assessment, but I decided to bet on the 2019 municipal elections, and I do not regret it.

– Was he pressured?

– No, I was the one who decided to avoid personal struggle, he says.

FRP top surrenders

FRP top surrenders

He has thought more about me

Stenersen says the following about her relationship with Carl I. Hagen:

– He was group leader when I was associated with the group, but after that we have not had any contact. I respect Carl, but I think he has thought more of me than I have thought of him.

– What does that mean?

– That I think about Frp and the way forward. I’m thinking about politics, not people. My goal is to raise Oslo Frp.

– What is your relationship with Christian Tybring-Gjedde, who wanted a new direction for Frp?

– I respect everyone on the list, and I have collaborated a lot with him. More recently, to prevent the merger of two police stations in East Oslo.

Prosecco fight in Frp after Christmas dinner

Prosecco fight in Frp after Christmas dinner

Wider Frp

She says Oslo Frp “has lacked a bit of being perceived as concerned about the same issues as the people of Oslo.”

The recipe is that the party must excel on more issues than just immigration and transportation, according to Stenersen.

– I am a politician with heart problems in health and care policy. I want an offensive against growing juvenile delinquency, and I want to work for the Ullevål hospital operation like today. We will continue to address our core issues, but we will also focus on school and education policy, health and care, says Stenersen.

There has been a severe storm around Oslo Frp over the past year, a hurricane that culminated in the placement of the county team under central party administration. The county leader, Geir Ugland Jacobsen, was expelled from the party.

The background to the process was the desire to eliminate the circle in Oslo that wanted a national conservative FRP, a circle that Siv Jensen experienced and was actively opposed to.

Keeps text messages secret: - Shocking

Keeps text messages secret: – Shocking

– Needed a cleaning

Aina Stenersen says it was a difficult decision for the central board to take action and get rid of the elements of unrest in Oslo Frp.

– It is not something you want to happen, but after a short year with a lot of internal discomfort, it was time for an orientation to reality. We were moving away from what our constituents wanted. The last time was good, I think. We have now built a good foundation with a focus on highlighting the FRP policy adopted in the elections.

– So, was it correct to put Oslo Frp under administration?

– We needed another cleaning, yes. Like I said, this is not a situation you want to be in, but it was necessary. We have now completed an ideology course and discussed how we will promote adopted party politics in the future. I experience that everyone wants to team up and win elections. Everyone in Oslo Frp is now moving in the same direction.
