Complete lighthouse in townhouse



Oslo police report a fire in a semi-detached house in Lambertseter. The fire service advises residents in the area around Marmorveien to keep windows closed due to strong smoke.

– All residents must be outside. Emergency services are on site. Visible flames. Extinction is underway, police say.

According to the Dagbladet reporter at the scene, large amounts of smoke are spilling outside the house, which is overheated.

– Completely reheated

Task leader Kristoffer Bang tells Dagbladet that they were notified of the fire at the home of four people around 6.30pm. When emergency services arrived on the scene, they could do little to save the house where the fire had started.

– It was completely overheated in one of the housing units. We have long tried to save as much as possible, and we take out the valuables that people have in apartments to save as much as possible, says Bang.

Just before 8pm, the extinction continues on the site. Eight people have been evacuated, none of them injured.

– We have an image of where the fire started, but we do not have a definite cause of it. says Bang.

EXTINCTION: Work is in progress to extinguish the Lambertseter townhouse.  Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

OFF: The extinction is taking place at the Lambertseter row house. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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Fire in three of four apartments

Operations manager Per-Ivar Iversen says the fire service was in control of the fire just before 7 p.m. There should be no danger of it spreading to other nearby homes.

According to the fire service, it is burning in three of the four residential units. Nine cars were sent to the scene.

– It is not clear which large parts of the townhouse are uninhabitable. In the unit where there has been a fire, there must be seven people living. A total of 15 people are registered at the townhouse, Iversen tells Dagbladet.

STRONG: It burns a lot in the house.  Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

POWERFUL: The house is on fire. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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The operations manager tells NTB that it initially seemed dramatic.

– It burned a lot, but firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and got control, says Iversen.
