Biden Halts Soldiers Withdrawal – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


Tod Wolters is the commander-in-chief of NATO in Europe. He also heads EUCOM, the United States’ European Joint Command.

Wolters said Wednesday that the new administration of President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin put withdrawal plans on hold.

Wolters said Joe Biden will present a final conclusion after a thorough review.

Tod Wolters, who is also NATO's commander-in-chief in Europe, said on Wednesday that the United States had put plans for ice mining.

Tod Wolters, who is also NATO’s commander-in-chief in Europe, said on Wednesday that the United States had put plans for ice mining.

Photo: Susan Walsh / AP

“All plans are on hold,” Wolters said.

Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump announced the partial withdrawal of US soldiers from Germany. The declaration came in June of last year. Trump thought that Germany’s contribution to the NATO budget was too low.

Trump also wanted to move the US headquarters of European forces from Stuttgart in Germany to Mons in Belgium.

In addition, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment was to return to the United States. This apartment has been stationed in the town of Vilseck east of Nuremberg.

These plans have also been suspended, according to the military magazine Stars and Stripes.

Should be taken home

Had Trump’s plan been implemented, a third of Germany’s troops would have returned to the United States. Others were to be transferred to other European NATO countries.

Trump’s plan was never implemented because Congress passed a defense budget that went against his wishes.

The United States has 36,000 soldiers stationed in Germany. Most have been used for “preventive security measures” in Eastern Europe. Others have had characteristics that have made it easier for the United States to conduct military operations in Africa and the Middle East.

Several of the US forces in Europe are assigned to various operations in the event of conflict in the eastern parts of the NATO-controlled areas.  This is an American tank during an exercise in the Polish Drawsko Pomorskie in August 2020.

Several of the US forces in Europe are assigned to various operations in the event of conflict in the eastern parts of NATO-controlled areas. This is an American tank during an exercise in the Polish Drawsko Pomorskie in August 2020.

Photo: EUCOM

According to Defense News magazine, Trump’s decision encountered significant internal opposition from US forces in Europe. Therefore, it is not clear how much preparation has been done in relation to the extraction that has now been put on ice.

Several American politicians thought Trump’s decision was unfortunate. It would weaken security in Europe, they said. The balance of power between NATO and Russia would change.

There was also considerable concern among German politicians.

After Trump’s decision was announced, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas described the relationship between the United States and Germany as “complicated.”

Giant exercise planning

There have been talks between the new US Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, and his German colleague, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. This is confirmed by a spokesman for the United States Department of Defense.

In the conversation, Austin is said to have promised the Germans that they would reconsider all plans. This time it will take place in dialogue and in collaboration with the German authorities.

At the same time, a major NATO exercise in Europe is planned for 2021, according to Air Force Magazine. 31,000 soldiers from 26 nations will participate in it. The exercise will cover a large territory from the Baltic to the Mediterranean.

NATO is planning a major exercise in 2021. It will take place in several countries and will involve 31,000 soldiers.

NATO is planning a major exercise in 2021. It will take place in several countries and will have 31,000 troops.

Photo: EUCOM

Naval, air and land forces will participate. The purpose of the exercise is to train to move forces over great distances in a short time.

The exercise will be one of the most important that NATO has conducted in Europe in 30 years.
