McConnell takes a hard line against a controversial new congressman


Republican powerful Mitch McConnell is harshly critical of party colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene. Several Democrats are trying to remove her from Congress.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has many controversial opinions and perceptions. In this photo taken on January 13, she wears a mask with the text “censored.” Photo: Susan Walsh / AP / NTB

Mitch McConnell takes a hard line against his party colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene and calls it a cancerous tumor. Photo: Susan Walsh / AP / NTB

Greene has supported a number of conspiracy theories promoted by the QAnon movement. He has also reiterated the unfounded allegations of election fraud by former President Donald Trump.

In a statement to The Hill, McConnell cautions that Green, who is Georgia’s newly elected congressional representative, embraces what he calls “crazy lies and conspiracy theories.” She is “a cancerous tumor for the Republican Party,” said the Republican Senate leader.

“One person who has suggested that maybe there were no planes hitting the Pentagon on September 11, that cruel school shootings were staged, and that the Clinton couple got JFK junior’s plane to fly, does not belong in reality.” McConnell continues.

Greene has also supported social media posts to execute Democrat Nancy Pelosi and hang Barack Obama.

Greene has responded to McConnell’s criticism via Twitter.

– The real cancerous growth of the Republican Party is the weak Republicans who only know how to lose in style. That is why we are losing our country, he writes.

Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy is expected to call a meeting this week.

At the same time, Democrats threaten to hold a vote this week to oust Greene from committees where he sits, if McCarthy doesn’t remove her first.
