Neighbors want to kick Trump out of Mar-a-Lago – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


– The case is under legal consideration by city attorney John “Skip” Randolph, writes Palm Beach Mayor Kirk Blouin in an email to CNN.

The city council is also considering raising the issue of Trump’s residency at the next city council meeting in February.

In the fall of 2019, President Trump announced a move to Mar-a-Lago, Florida, but he did not actually move until he left the White House on January 20.

You must have accepted the restrictions

Donald Trump bought Mar-a-Lago in 1985. When he changed the use of the house from a house to a members’ club in 1993, he had to agree to a series of restrictions on its use.

In addition to traffic and parking rules, Trump is said to have agreed to spend no more than 7 consecutive days or 21 days a year at Mar-a-Lago.

CNN writes that Donald Trump himself signed the agreement limiting its use,

The Trump organization rejects that there is any agreement that regulates whether Trump can settle in the residence.

Donald Trump i limousine

Donald Trump also has his supporters in Palm Beach. When he passed in a limousine on Wednesday, fans waved the flag encouragingly.

Photo: Greg Lovett / AP

Neighbors are tired of the noise and commotion

According to CNN, many of the neighbors are tired of the ruckus that accompanies Trump’s residence.

“There has been a circus here for four years and they have had enough,” a Palm Beach owner told CNN.

While Trump was president, neighbors were upset by the strict security measures, traffic jams and a lot of noise.

Back then, the complaints went unheeded because Trump was president, but now the neighbors expect their complaints to be heard.

McConnell doesn’t answer the phone

Trump traveled to Mar-a-Lago on January 20 when he left Washington DC prior to Joe Biden’s inauguration as president.

It is known that he has spent a lot of time playing golf.

Since his accounts were removed from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, he has had fewer opportunities to communicate with his followers.

The New York Times writes that Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is furious with Trump after the January 6 assault on Congress. According to the newspaper, McConnell does not answer the phone when Trump calls.

Looking towards 2022

However, Trump has been visited by the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, writes AFP.

McCarthy blamed Trump long after the assault on Congress, but flew to Florida last Thursday to visit Trump.

A report from the meeting states that the most important issue was getting a majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives in 2022.

“Today, President Trump is committed to helping elect Republicans to the House and Senate in 2022,” McCarthy wrote after the meeting.

Donald Trump said goodbye to the White House on Wednesday, January 20.

Donald Trump said goodbye to the White House on Wednesday, January 20.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

Supreme Court after February 8

After the House of Representatives decided to put Trump on trial, the case against him will begin in the Senate in the week beginning Monday, February 8.

If all Democrats vote to convict Trump, it will also take the votes of 17 Republicans to convict the former president.

When the Senate voted last Tuesday on a proposal to stop the Supreme Court case, only five Republicans erupted and voted with Democrats when the proposal was rejected.

Thus, there is little indication that a dozen other Republican senators will change their minds and ensure that Trump is convicted.

According to staff, as soon as the Supreme Court case is over, Trump will begin to get more politically involved, aiming for the 2022 election.

But now we are preparing for the Supreme Court case, that’s where the focus is, says Trump adviser Jason Miller.
