Sued for 11 billion


Dominion, the company that produced the machines used to vote in the US presidential election, is suing Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, writes Washington Post.

The company is demanding $ 1.3 billion from Giuliani, after they believe he undermined their company in the wake of the election. This corresponds to just over 11 billion NOK.


He and other Trump supporters claimed that something was wrong with the machines and that it helped Joe Biden win. No evidence of machine failure was found.

In the 107-page lawsuit, the Giuliani company cites a series of statements that it believes are lies.

Among other things, Giuliani claimed multiple times that the company is actually controlled by Venezuela and has traded thousands of Trump votes for Biden votes.

The company believes the allegations not only hurt the company, but also laid the groundwork for the assault on Congress on January 6.

Result not accepted

Giuliani writes in an SMS to the Washington Post that he has not yet seen Dominion’s lawsuit.

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Additionally, he writes that the impending trial gives him the opportunity to prove his claims about the company.

Giuliani is among Trump supporters who have yet to accept the election result.

Since the election, he has filed lawsuits on Trump’s behalf in an attempt to change the outcome of the election. It was never successful.

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The relationship got worse

Just over a week ago, it was reported that the relationship between Giuliani and the president is about to take a turn for the worse.

According to various media, there is a disagreement related to the lawyer’s salary. The attorney is said to have billed the Trump campaign $ 20,000 a day for his legal services.

Giuliani has denied that the sum is correct, but The Guardian writes that there is written evidence that the sum is correct.

According to the Washington Post, Trump is refusing to pay.

And now the lawsuit is adding to everything, but Giuliani is by no means the first to be sued by the American company.

NOT SATISFIED: At a garden center in Pennsylvania, lawyers for Donald Trump’s press conference on Saturday. Video: AP
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“Wild accusations”

Sidney Powell, who worked for Trump for a time, has also been sued by the same company. They sued her for “outlandish and demonstrable false charges,” including Powell’s accusations that the December presidential election was rigged.

Donald Trump's huge bill

Donald Trump’s huge bill

In November, Powell told the Newsmax news channel that three million dead voted in the election. He also claimed that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had received money to alter the election results.

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– We have a lot of evidence. They are beyond impressive and absolutely horrible, he said.

Several responded to the statements. Former Trump governor and adviser Chris Christie has called his accusations a “national blunder.” Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson requested the alleged evidence but did not receive it.

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Jan Thomas: This happened

Trump has enough

During a press conference in November last year, which was largely overshadowed by Giuliani’s black sweat running down his face, Powell claimed, among other things, that it was a global conspiracy that ultimately led to Biden. to flee as the winner of the presidential elections. .

In the end, Donald Trump apparently had enough too, and not long after the aforementioned press conference, it emerged that Powell was no longer working for the president.
