These died in the cabin fire – VG


LIFE LOST: Five people were killed in the violent cabin fire, four of whom were children. From left to right: Henning Christian Bang Johansen (15), Mogens Pareli Krogh Hovde (15), Hedda Madell Bang Winther (10) and Gustav Rane Krogh Hovde (12). Photo: Private / Police

ANDØYA / VÅGAN (VG) It was Luise (40), Mogens (15), Gustav (12), Hedda (10) and Henning (15) who lost their lives in the cabin fire in Andøy municipality on Saturday morning. night.


The police release the names and photographs in consultation with the families of the deceased.

The dead are:

  • Luise Marie Bang (40 years)
  • Mogens Pareli Krogh Hovde (15 years old)
  • Gustav Rane Krogh Hovde (12 years old)
  • Henning Christian Bang Johansen (15 years old)
  • Hedda Madell Bang Winther (10)

All were residents of Vågan municipality in Lofoten.

All five were unable to get out of the cabin in Bjørnskinn, which caught fire on Saturday night. A man who survived the fire had to run four kilometers without clothes or shoes before reaching his closest neighbor, who alerted the emergency services.

When they arrived at the scene, the cabin was set on fire.

It is with great regret that we now find that this fire has claimed five lives. The police are relieved that we managed to find the missing, but this is a difficult day for those affected and the local community, said Lofoten and Vesterålen Police Chief Per Erik Hagen after the death of the five.

– Unfair

Vågan Municipality established crisis staff on Saturday, opened schools and two churches, and established a family center. On Sunday evening, several people gathered at the church in Svolvær and Henningsvær to mourn and be together.

The four children went to grade 5 and 10 at Svolvær school and grade 7 and 10 at Henningsvær school.

FLOWERS: Flowers and candles were placed outside the school in Svolvær on Monday. Photo: Helge Mikalsen

– Four children have disappeared and much of our future is no longer alive. For children to be affected in this way is perceived as very unfair, pastor Peter Shaw Wilhelmsson told VG.

He says it has been a difficult day for the local community, but says he is impressed with the unit.

also read

The five found dead after the cabin fire: – Unfair

– I think the people of Svolvær and Henningsvær show good care. Quiet, not full of words. Caring and good looks will be strong, Shaw Wilhelmsson said.

Run several kilometers

A man managed to get out of the burning cabin and police were notified of the fire at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. He must have tried to save the other people in the cabin, but he must have quickly realized that it was impossible.

HEAVY DAY: Parish Priest Peter Shaw Wilhelmsson is impressed with the way the local community has dealt with the tragedy thus far. Photo: Helge Mikalsen / VG

The cabin, located in a valley, is surrounded by large areas of forest and water. There is no mobile phone coverage in the area and it is far from the main road. The closest neighbor is far.

The man had to run four kilometers without clothes or shoes to report.

– He was barefoot in my parents’ hall in the middle of the night, he was cold and very affected. In shock. He tried to tell what had happened, Astrid Berthinussen Holm tells VG.

It was his parents who received the man at dawn on Saturday, and who at 04:30 were notified by the emergency services about the dramatic fire.

Working to find the cause

Forensic scientists from local police and Kripos are now working hard to find out why the cabin, which was bought by the current owners last fall, caught fire.

– Police still have no reason to suspect that the cause of the fire was anything other than an accident, but efforts are being made to clarify as much as possible regarding what may have caused the fire, Police Chief Hagen previously stated.
