Races against rising electric car prices: – I’m cursed


In Oslo, electric cars went through the toll for free until June 2019. From January 1, 2021, prices increased.

During peak hours, it can now cost you 14 crowns for a toll pass. Prices for electric cars during peak hours increased by 40 percent for crossings through the city limits after the New Year.

The price increase is due to the outcome of the Oslo Package 3 negotiations. The increase was intended to occur earlier, but was postponed until 2021.

The trend is not the same for fossil cars. This is a small price adjustment, writes Aftenposten.

Cecilie Lyngby is party leader in Popular Action Against Tolls.

Cecilie Lyngby is party leader in Popular Action Against Tolls.

The party leader in Popular Action for No More Tolls, Cecilie Lyngby, sold her gasoline car in favor of an electric car a few years ago. Had he known this price increase was coming, he would not have made the same decision again.

I am cursed. I don’t think Oslo will get more electric cars with this policy. It is too drastic a price increase for those who depend on the car, Lyngby tells Aftenposten.

Labor: – It will still be a solid discount for driving an electric car.

Andreas Halse is the representative of the city council in Oslo and the transport policy spokesman for the Labor Party in the capital. He doesn’t think fewer people will choose to switch to an electric car after the price increase, and he thinks the price increase shouldn’t hurt anyone.

Representative of the Oslo City Council, Andreas Halse (Labor Party).  Photo: NTB

Representative of the Oslo City Council, Andreas Halse (Labor Party). Photo: NTB

– We have now implemented a gradual increase in rates for electric cars on the toll ring since last summer. It has always been the intention that those who drive electric cars also contribute. In recent years, the participation of electric cars in the toll network has increased significantly. Despite the price increase, there will still be a solid discount for driving an electric car, Halse tells Aftenposten.

Electric cars must pay a maximum of 50 percent of the rate fossil cars pay for a passage through the toll ring.

After the price increase on New Years, you now pay this maximum limit to cross the toll stations at the city limit and Osloringen during rush hours.

At the same time that the price increases in Oslo, prices are halved in Bergen. There, prices have been reduced from 10 to 5 crowns outside peak hours. During peak hours, prices have dropped from twenty to ten crowns, according to the Motor website.

I have a green light for areas without fossil cars

On Thursday, NTB mentioned that Climate and Environment Minister Sveinung Rotevatn (V) said yes to the areas of Oslo and Bergen where fossil cars are banned.

It is in the government’s new climate plan where the opening takes place.

– This has been an unresolved issue. But in the work with the climate plan we have analyzed it and we will propose in the climate plan that we open for some projects, Rotevatn told NTB.

In practice, this means that the municipalities of Oslo and Bergen, which have long been interested in these zero-emission zones, are ready to get the permit they need.
