Will tear the leader apart – VG


PROPOSED DESTRUCTION: At least 20 of the 33 members of the municipal council of the Oslo Conservatives will fire group leader Øystein Sundelin. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

There is an all-out revolt in the city council group of the Oslo Conservatives, against their own group leader, Øystein Sundelin. The majority of the city council group is demanding that he be fired.


At least 20 of the 33 members and deputies of the Conservative City Council of Oslo group have signed a proposal to remove the current leader of the group, Øystein Sundelin, and replace him with current Vice President Anne Haabeth Rygg.

“The reason for this is that the current leader of the group establishes a culture that undermines the mutual trust on which the city council group depends,” they write in the proposal, which has been given access to VG..

– I will dispute it firmly, says Sundelin to VG.

– How do you react to the fact that such a large number in the town hall group will kick you out?

– No, it’s not nice. The fact that it’s based on a number of assumptions and things that have actually been explained and refined, and that shouldn’t have been a breeding ground for mistrust at all, surprises me a bit.

Sundelin took over as the group’s leader in October 2019, after Eirik Lae Solberg.

– It is an unfortunate situation that I really wished we could escape, but little by little I have realized that we have to act. Most members and MPs have come to the conclusion that we should replace the group leader in our city council group, Lae Solberg tells VG.

He led the council group to the Conservative Party from 2015 to 2019 and was the candidate for city council leader in 2019, when he lost the match against Aps Raymond Johansen.

Solberg is still on the city council.

CONFIRM THE REBELLION: Eirik Lae Solberg confirms that they will dismiss the leader of the group Øystein Sundelin. Photo: Helge Mikalsen


In the proposal, they present six proposals, which must be voted on at the town hall group meeting on Monday, January 11 (see data box).

In addition to replacing Sundelin with Haabeth Rygg, conservative politicians will remove him from other positions to which he has been elected by virtue of being a group leader and full-time politician.

They want Ola Kvisgaard to be the new deputy leader when Haabeth Rygg is promoted, and he will also reassign committee positions between the Conservatives and Liberals.

Sundelin will be scrapped if the at least 20 behind the proposal vote on it Monday. The position of councilor has been elected by the people, and Sundelin has been elected from 2019 to 2023, and in any case he is in the conservative group of the city council along with those who may reject him.
