They have destroyed their houses


Democratic President Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have suffered vandalism at their homes.

Writes a number of British and American media, including the BBC.

According to the newspaper, the fake blood and a severed pig’s head were left outside the door of Pelosi’s home in California. They write that the house must also have been tagged with graffiti.

Congress overrules Trump

Congress overrules Trump

Pelosi has not commented on or confirmed the incident himself, but San Francisco police have confirmed that they are investigating an incident at Pelosi’s home, according to the newspaper.

– Has no place in society

ANSWER BACK: Many are reacting to these images of the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Photos from Fox News. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV.
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According to the newspaper, McConnell’s house has written “where’s my money.” The photos on the site confirm it. McConnell himself has confirmed the vandalism in a statement.

THE HOUSE: Pictures show

HOME: The photos show “where’s my money” written on the house of Republican Mitch McConnell. The police also confirm that there has been an incident at his home. Photo: AP / NTB.
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In the statement, he writes that he and his wife were not intimidated, but that “they hope that Louisville residents will not feel uncomfortable with the radical rage attack.”

– Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society, he also writes.

Louisville police told USA Today the incident took place Saturday and they have no suspects.

He rejected Trump’s wish

The New Year's party draws attention.

The New Year’s party draws attention.

The vandalism comes shortly after McConnell refused to escalate the long-awaited crown crisis package in the United States as President Donald Trump wanted.

Trump’s wish was to increase the crisis check that each American should receive to $ 2,000. Trump has made it a requirement to approve the crisis package, but he still approved the crisis package. The president continues to defend that change has yet to take place.

ICE CREAM MEETING: There was little meeting to see when President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met again. Video: CNN / AP
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– Over the summer, Democrats maliciously blocked a crisis package from the crown. A few months ago, Congress began negotiations on a package that criticizes the American people. It took too long. But the package they send to my desk is completely different. To be honest, it’s a shame, Trump wrote on Twitter.

– A couple of days ago we approved a crisis package of almost 1 billion. If struggling households need more, we will consider smaller, more specific measures, not another fire hose with borrowed money, McConnell said.

The crisis package McConnell refers to was for 900 billion kronor and was approved by both houses of Congress before Christmas.

Playing golf: - People are terrified.

Playing golf: – People are terrified.

Defeat of Trump

On Friday, Donald Trump suffered another fiery defeat.

Later, Congress in Washington overrode Trump’s veto on the defense budget.

Eighty-one of the 100 senators voted in favor of the $ 740 billion budget. 13 voted against.

Giant Package Agreement: - We Will Smash The Virus

Giant Package Agreement: – We Will Smash The Virus

Trump thus suffered a crushing defeat, and this is the first time that the president’s veto has been overridden.

The defeat did not sit well with the president, who quickly took to Twitter to show his discontent.

– Our Republican Senate just missed an opportunity to ditch Section 230, which gives unlimited power to big tech companies. Pathetic !!!, the president wrote on Twitter.
