The government with new crown measures: – Asks students to stay home


The government’s decision on Saturday means there will be no physical education on campuses until at least January 18.

– The purpose is to reduce the pressure of infection, says Minister of Research and Higher Education Henrik Asheim (H) to Dagbladet.

It says the decision was made on the basis of advice from health authorities.

– Students who have been home for Christmas can thus postpone their departure to campus and avoid the use of planes, trains or buses, he says.

Now she is vaccinated

Now she is vaccinated

New measures tomorrow

According to Dagbladet, the government is working to complete several new crown measures, which are scheduled to be unveiled at a press conference on Sunday.

VOTES ON: Asheim settles the debate over the elimination of the song at school by singing himself. Video: Ministry of Education.
see more

– The number of infections has increased dramatically, says Asheim.

That already Saturday night warns that the start of Physical Education will be postponed, it has to do with tomorrow.

– We want to give students a clear signal that it is advisable to postpone the trip back to campus. Many had probably planned to leave tomorrow, Asheim says.


Campus employees must “comply with infection control regulations in general work life and the regulations of the municipality where they are located,” the government says.

Asheim says he is well aware that students have paid a high price during the crown period, like several other groups.

– That’s why measures like this are too far for us. We do this to make spring better for all of us, he says.

Asheim emphasizes that students should be followed by educational institutions, also when it comes to countering the negative psychosocial consequences of the pandemic.

The new variant of the virus found in 33 countries

The new variant of the virus found in 33 countries

– We are approaching a whole year with a lot of time alone in the student residence, periods of quarantine and little social contact. I know it is difficult for many and my clear message to all principals is that they must follow up with their students, create alternative academic meeting places, and we must all take care of each other, says Asheim.


Both FHI and the Norwegian Health Directorate are very concerned about the increasing infection Norway is currently experiencing and fear that the situation will get worse when people return home after the Christmas holidays. Health Minister Bent Høie (H) told Dagbladet on Saturday that he shares the concern.

– I am very concerned about the growing infection. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Health Directorate are now working on measures to limit the infection. The government will then consider these measures as soon as possible, Høie said.

– We have already established several restrictions related to entry, such as the obligation for travelers to Norway to undergo the test, the requirements to show a negative test carried out up to 72 hours before arrival and the agreement with quarantined hotels.
