A total of 13 people were hoisted by helicopter after the landslide in Gjerdrum


The rescue helicopter commander talks about the drama when the massive landslide occurred Wednesday night.

The Sea King helicopter crew was at the scene half an hour after the alarm sounded Wednesday night. Photo: Hans O. Torgersen

For TV2, Jurn Van Der Bovenkamp describes a confusing situation when the Sea King helicopter flew over the landslide zone at Ask in Gjerdrum on Wednesday night.

The helicopter was at the scene about half an hour after the alarm sounded.

– Only when we flew through the hole, we saw the extent and magnitude of this landslide, says Van Der Bovenkamp to the channel.

He was guided by a police helicopter.

Beforehand, the police helicopter had observed several people who needed help in the crater. The crew of the police helicopter guided the six crew of the Sea King helicopter in their direction, according to TV2.

– The situation was so confusing that we just had to act and start raising the people closest to us. We are 100 percent focused and systematically working to save as many as possible, says Van Der Bovenkamp.

The Sea King helicopter rescued many from the landslide area as of Wednesday night. Photo: Hans O. Torgersen

A total of 13 saved

Until now it was not known how many people were actually rescued from the air the first time after the landslide.

According to the commander, six people were first hoisted up from the crater and taken to a nearby plain. The rescue helicopter then rescued another seven people, a total of 13.

– Their efforts were vital and they made an absolutely formidable effort in the initial phase of the assignment, says Operations Manager Roger Pettersen in the Eastern Police District to TV2.
