Tesla, Tesla Model S | The driver’s seat has been empty for two years. Now Svein Halvard no longer dares to use the Tesla


Svein Halvard Nergård is upset that Tesla is not taking action and fixing the car’s failure.

Just two years after I bought the Tesla Model S, the problems began. It was in November 2018 that you first noticed that the driver’s seat was moving during a so-called “phantom braking,” a glitch that causes the car to stop for seemingly no reason.

– The seat gave a little and I had the feeling that I lost control and that the seat was loose, he tells Nettavisen.

He says that in December 2018 he reported the bug to Tesla Norway for the first time. However, he had to wait a long time before they could look at the seat. Only during one hour of service in March 2019 will Tesla have established that the seat was loose.

– They suggested a solution, but had no parts to correct the error. I didn’t hear from them then, he says.

After several reminders, he finally got a new time in June 2019, but even then they couldn’t fix the driver’s seat. It is said that you heard that the seat might have to be replaced, but it could take up to a year. Then he sent a letter of complaint, referring to the Consumer Law.

– I asked them to fix the seat, which was the most important thing for me, to change the seat or to buy me a new car. I did not dare to sell the car with a loose seat, and the consequences it could have had, he says.

See the response to Tesla Norway below in the case.

I do not solve the problem

Only in September 2019 Tesla will have tried to correct the error, but already after a week, Nergård felt that the seat again felt released by a phantom braking. The problem was not solved during the opening hours of October and November of the same year, nor in January 2020. In February this year, NAF declared, according to Nergård, that the seat had become vacant under the control of the EU.

The seat became more and more loose.

– At the end of March, I could move in the seat sitting completely still, then it was no longer just phantom braking. Although Tesla tried to fix the seat again, this time it didn’t work either, he says resignedly.

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That was enough. Nergård took the case to the Consumer Council and mediation was started between the parties. It also led nowhere and the case went to the Consumer Complaints Committee. Just before Christmas this year, he met with NAF and Tesla technicians, and it should have been established that the seat was loose.

Nergård is now awaiting a decision from the Consumer Complaints Committee, but has been informed that the case will likely not be decided until the fall.

– Tesla tried to push me a Model 3, but when I asked for two. Model 3: Since it has roughly the same value as the Model S, I was rejected, he says.

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Don’t you dare use the car anymore

You think a loose driver’s seat is concerning.

– Tesla says this is not a major deficiency, but discomfort during phantom braking is just one thing. Over time, the seat becomes so loose that it also happens during normal braking, he says.

You fear that a loose seat will contribute to exacerbating the injury in a collision.

– What happens in the event of a collision? As the seat becomes more and more loose, it eventually crosses a border. Will the seat loosen completely at high speed if it crashes? he asks.

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The fear of the consequences is so great that he has left the car parked since May of this year. Also, he has never dared to borrow the car.

– I don’t feel safe in that. I only run it once a month to recharge it, he says.

– But why haven’t they changed seats yet, when you say they’ve admitted it’s a mistake?

– What I know is that Tesla has several generations of seats and my seat is the second generation. It is a standard seat and they do not necessarily have these seats in stock. So it takes time, says Nergård.

In the video below, you can see Nettavisen’s test of Tesla Model 3 vs. Models:

Class Action Assessment

You do not intend to give up. While you await the decision of the Consumer Complaints Committee, you are considering taking a class action against Tesla Central. Nergård has been in contact with several other Tesla owners, both in the US, Europe and Australia.

– Several have experienced the same, he says, who says that a year and a half ago he sent a message of concern to Tesla with Elon Musk in copy.

– I can have ice in my stomach. I have such a good case that I run the race to the finish, says Nergård.

The goal is to get Tesla to buy the car, so it doesn’t have to sell a car in such short supply. At the same time, he wants compensation for the fact that he was unable to use the car and the inconvenience to which he has been exposed.

– I will not resign. I hope it leads to a solution for others in the same situation as well, and if there are class actions, I hope Tesla gets an additional slap, he says.

– Tesla probably sees that it costs more to fix the driver’s seat failure, but they probably expect people to give up, says Nergård

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– Look for

Even Sandvold Roland, Head of Communications for Tesla Norway, learned of the problems Nergård is experiencing and the criticism directed at Tesla. However, he cannot answer Nettavisen’s questions related to the case.

– In principle, we do not comment on individual clients in the media, he says.

However, in general, it states the following:

– We think it is sad to meet clients in court. Fortunately, it happens very rarely. The vast majority of Tesla customers in Norway are satisfied, as documented in the Norwegian Customer Barometer 2020, where Tesla with 4/5 stars was placed in the category of very satisfied customers, says Roland.

Hundreds of complaints

Nergård is not the only one to complain about Tesla in Norway. In 2020, the Consumer Council received 205 inquiries by phone and email about Tesla.

– Our statistics say nothing about how many of these were occupied by loose driver’s seats, but in general the inquiries were mainly about the quality of the car, says Caroline Skarderud, a lawyer for the Consumer Council, to Nettavisen.

Due to the shortage of staff during Christmas, the Consumer Council does not have the opportunity to collect the number of complaints.


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