The landslide in Gjerdrum: enter the landslide area


At 12 noon, the police and NVE meet with the press on Ask to report on the latest news from Gjerdrum.

Task leader Roy Alkvist says the red zone search for the landslide area is underway.

– We are with USAR crews, we have police dogs inside and we have a support apparatus in relation to removing the crew if something happens.

There are still landslides at the top of the landslide area.

– Obviously it carries a risk for those who work there, but at the same time it also provides some relief in relation to pressure on the fast edge, says Alkvist.

Regional manager Toril Hofshagen at NVE says there is still a danger that more houses will collapse.

– There are houses that stand on the edge of landslides. There will be a foreseeable risk that they will disappear at some point.

Conditions are not considered good enough to use the bridge for the Armed Forces.

– It has to do with the basic conditions, says Alkvist.

Crews enter through Styrofoam and Styrofoam boards that have been placed. Alkvist says a temporary road has been built at the crash site.

Any use by the user is evaluated on an ongoing basis.

RACING AREA: NVE images show the enormous destruction that has affected the municipality of Gjerdrum.  Photo: Photo: Jaran Wasrud ​​/ NVE

CAREER AREA: NVE images show the enormous damage suffered by the municipality of Gjerdrum. Photo: Photo: Jaran Wasrud ​​/ NVE
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– We constantly monitor the landslide area. It will be evaluated if it is safe to insert the user. As of now, it has been considered that we do not want to use it.

Alkvist says that a significant number is involved in the action, but does not know the exact number.

– As of now, there are one or two houses that we want to be examined.

– risk

Earlier today, Alkvist highlighted which is still a rescue operation, and says no finds were made overnight.

He says police now plan to go down to the bottom of the red zone, to check houses and infrastructure. He describes it as a “relatively large operation.”

– This is a risky operation. We do it based on NVE analysis, and we received assistance from the Armed Forces, in relation to a so-called bridge user, he said during the press conference at 10:00 am.


READY FOR ACTION: Leguan Paving of the Armed Forces.  Photo: Øystein Sæthre

READY FOR ACTION: Leguan Pavement of the Armed Forces. Photo: Øystein Sæthre
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The representative of the Armed Forces in Gjerdrum, Major Jacob Helgesen, said the following to Dagbladet before the press conference at 10 a.m.

– We support the police with measures to promote mobility in the form of the Leguan bridge. It is a bridge that can be propelled forward and placed on the ground. The purpose is to create a safer way for the crew to leave, explains Helgesen.

The folding bridge can be mounted on a military wagon and thus can be transported where it is needed.

Assembling the bridge will likely be relatively quick, depending on conditions, Helgesen says.

RAS IN GJERDRUM: Operations manager Roy Alkvist says police plan to go down to the bottom of the red zone to check houses and infrastructure.
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Will check the house

During the press conference at 10.00, Alkvist stated that the Swedish fire, health, police and USAR teams are involved in the operation. The Swedish relief team has special experience with collapsed buildings and infrastructure, writes NTB.

– We want to see part of the mass of the building that we have the opportunity to enter, we see that there is an opportunity to fully enter one of the houses in the clay masses, with the help of the user.

It was on Thursday that the rescue team first entered the landslide area to conduct a search of two houses with a dog patrol. The action led the police to establish that no one with the status of disappeared has a connection with the relevant addresses.

– Still unstable

Dog rescued alive from landslide

Dog rescued alive from landslide

On Thursday night, several people were evacuated after discovering large cracks in the ground in an area north of Ask in Gjerdrum, where a large landslide occurred on Wednesday morning.

Regional manager Toril Hofshagen at NVE stated at 10:00 am that no deterioration of the situation has been demonstrated in this area. NVE works with ground investigations in the evacuated areas, and considers it justified to carry out the action of the landslide area.

– At the same time, we see with the help of drone images that there have been new bombings in the avalanche pit in the southern area of ​​the nursing home and the nursery. There is still an unstable situation in the avalanche well, which must be closely monitored.

SHIPPING SHEETS: Polystyrene boards are unloaded for use in exploration work on Friday.  Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

SHIPPING TOPS: The Styrofoam boards are unloaded for use in scouting work on Friday. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB
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At 12:00, Hofshagen says that no negative development has yet been reported in the area. However, there have been new projectiles in the northeast part of the avalanche pit.

Mayor Anders Østensen said that at 10 a.m. the LHL hospital in Gardermoen will eventually be able to receive residents of nursing homes who have been evacuated.

– As is known, we had covid-19 outbreaks when the evacuation took place, so they have been treated in special departments for that, while the others will eventually move, among other places, to LHL.

Students in the municipality will probably be home school next week, he says.

It was 3:59 p.m. on Wednesday night when the landslide occurred. 10 people are still missing.
