– The purest wild west


Just after midnight, the police move to Efteløtmoen in Kongsberg after the operations center has received several reports that it will be the cleanest “Wild West” on the site with fireworks launched in all directions and illegal snowmobiles.

The lawyer for the police on duty has decided that all the participants of the party will be reported. The owner of the party will be fined 10,000 crowns and each participant in the party can expect a fine of 5,000 crowns, the police write.

– No one would admit the snowmobile in question, so it is seized. The party ENDS, is also indicated in the message.

Do you have photos or tips from the New Year celebration? Send TV 2 to [email protected].

Rifle fired on the terrace

In Drammen, the police have moved a group of young people in their 20s who have set off fireworks at each other. Two people were slightly injured in connection with the incident. The police have no control over the perpetrators.

– The police calm the situation on the spot and investigate the case, writes the southeast police district on Twitter.

In Porsgrunn, the police had to move to a private address after neighbors reported that a person “celebrated” the new year by burning three rifle shots from the terrace.

– No one has been physically injured. Police have control over the suspects and are investigating the circumstances, writes the Southeast Police District on Twitter.

The owner of the gun and the shooter, a man in his 40s, refused to give an explanation to the police.

– Several weapons were seized from the management and the man can expect his case to have solid consequences, he says in the police message.

Violence against the police

In Tromsø, many young people, including minors, gather at Røstbakken. Clashes between various fronts are reported.

– Violence against the police has also been used. We strongly encourage city parents to bring home their youth who are in the area, writes the Troms Police District.

In Oslo, the police moved to Frognerparken after a report of a fight between several people at the main entrance.

– We have taken control of various parties involved. One must get kicked in the head. Work with interrogations and clarification of roles, writes the Oslo police.

Various fires

Inland Police report a somewhat spacious atmosphere at Lilleorget in Lillehammer.

– A person has been beaten and needs assistance from an ambulance, they write.

Several fires are also reported as a result of fireworks. In Bodø, there are several cases of lawn fires, and all of them are caused by fireworks. No injuries have been reported.

The West Police District has also moved to Ytrebygda, where fireworks are lit next to a house. Early Thursday night, 23 neighbors were evacuated when a house in Ytrebygda began to burn. Two housing units are uninhabitable after the fire. The cause is unknown.

TV 2 update the case!
