Evacuate several people after changes in the terrain – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


Cracks in the ground have been reported near the Kokstad farm, north of central Ask, raising concern. 46 people are now being evacuated, police report at 17.30.

– Highway 120 has been closed and there are detour signs, says Task Leader Roger Pettersen in the eastern police district.

NVE has had two inspections in the area to observe the crack formations reported in the area

– There are visible cracks in the ground in that area. It is three to four meters wide at the largest crack, says regional manager Toril Hofshagen at NVE.

Therefore, the people who live here have been told that they must evacuate NVE and have a more detailed description of the situation.

– We did not expect further development elsewhere in this area, says Hofshagen.

10 people are still being searched in Gjerdrum and three rescue personnel were fired in the area of ​​the landslide, according to police.

At around 2 pm, the police began a search of two houses on the site in the so-called “red zone” where the landslide occurred. The dog and the handler were inside the house while two rescuers supported them from outside. In addition, they received assistance from two helicopters.

– After gathering information, analysis and planning, the police decided that an effort should be made, a search inside the landslide area, said the operations manager in the eastern police district, Roger Pettersen at 2:00 p.m.

At 4:00 p.m. the search is completed. Police have not made any findings..

– We have searched the houses with a dog. There are no missing persons in these two directions, says the task leader about the houses that were searched, says Pettersen.

The police chose to search this area because there is less risk here.

The Armed Forces assist in the work of the police.

– We have supported with drones and seaking, and several soldiers on the ground, says Jakob Helgesen in the Armed Forces.

Here, rescue personnel are fired.

The crew has been sent to search for the ten who are still missing.

Photo: NTB / Screengrab

Police insist they are still looking for survivors.

– We keep that opportunity open, we believe it is real. We are looking for survivors. This is a rescue operation, says Pettersen.

According to task force leader Morten Thoresen in the fire service, it is possible that there are missing people inside the houses that collapsed.

Some houses have moved up to 400 meters. That’s why houses are difficult to locate, says Thoresen.

On Thursday night, parts of a building collapsed in the avalanche area in Gjerdrum, and several buildings are still on the brink of the avalanche.

According to NVE, the area is still unstable. They help the police in their work and make assessments of the landslide area.

Half the house collapsed in Gjerdrum

There is still activity in the landslide zone. At half past two on Thursday, half the house collapsed as you can see in the picture.

Photo: Torstein Bøe / NRK

Nordic assistance

Sweden and Denmark have offered to help with the rescue operation.

– We have received help from our Swedish colleagues, who are on site. It’s the USTR (Urban Search and Rescue, Editor-in-Chief) team who are specially trained for crash sites like here at Ask, says Pettersen.


Finally, the mother of the meal was able to meet “Zajka” (10) again.

He says the evacuation area has been reduced. This means that some of the evacuees can return home.

– The residents in question have been told they can return. I don’t have exact numbers.

So far, more than 1,000 people have been evacuated.

House on the edge of the avalanche in Gjerdrum

Several houses are still standing on the edge of the avalanche. There is a possibility that more houses will collapse, according to police.

Photo: Torstein Bøe

Farm animals are affected

Three farms with animals in the area will be affected by the landslide.

According to fire service operations manager Thoresen, rescue personnel enter all affected farms.

– Farm animals need water and electricity. Cows must also be milked. A lot of gas is also formed inside stables, which must be ventilated. There are units and water tanks that have been introduced, says Morten Thoresen.

Close-up of the landslide.  Municipality of Gjerdrum

The landslide has caused significant damage to the buildings in Gjerdrum.

Photo: Nima Taheri / NRK

– Release fireworks

Police come with a loud call to launch fireworks near the landslide area on New Years Eve.

– Rockets and fireworks are a risk to air resources. Don’t use the fireworks until 11:00 PM, says Pettersen.

Helicopter over the landslide area

The rescue team is still searching for the missing.

Photo: Nima Taheri / NRK

31 homes have collapsed

A total of 31 residential units and 9 buildings collapsed after the landslide more than 24 hours ago.


This is how the police search for survivors

The search for people has been carried out throughout the night and in the morning by helicopter and drone.

A rescuer, a dog handler and a tracking dog visited the area of ​​the landslide in the morning to search for survivors. He got no results.

Gjerdrum December 31

The search has lasted all night. Rescue attempts have been made with a tracking dog, still without success.

Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / NRK

There have been movements on the ground Thursday afternoon. There is still the danger that more houses will collapse.

Risk of multiple landslides

– There is no information at the moment that there are movements in the landslide, says Pettersen.

NVE regional manager Toril Hofshagen says there is still a risk of more landslides.

– What makes it dangerous is both the reason and the risk that new landslides may occur. There are still scales in the landslide area, she says.


Do you live in fast clay? Here you can check

There are still buildings that are completely on the edge.

The police take into account that they may run in the future.

Geologists are drilling into the ground elsewhere to rule out or find areas prone to landslides.

Currently, it is not possible to enter the landslide zone.

In the groundwork, NVE has investigated the possibility of using the road in the southwest part of the evacuated area.

They are now in the final phase of this work and hope to make further recommendations to the emergency services during the day.

The rescue team searches by helicopter over the area of ​​the landslide.

The rescue team does not take any break from searching for the missing.

Photo: Torstein Bøe

Two races on Wednesday night

The weather conditions of the place make the search difficult. It has also been a challenge to look in the dark.

Police and other rescue personnel have had trouble entering the vulnerable area due to the danger of further landslides. Therefore, the search has been carried out mainly from the air.

Gjerdrum is an area that is particularly exposed to rapid clay landslides.

The map shows where the landslide occurred on Wednesday night. A large area around the landslide has been evacuated.

– There is no assessment now that we can enter the area with many crews and search, says Operations Manager Knudsen.


Soccer fans collect clothing for landslide victims

There have been no new landslides since around 11pm last night. Two buildings collapsed at that time.

At 09.30 on Thursday, Hofshagen at NVE says that the weather will not significantly affect our work, as the weather forecast is now.

Gjerdrum December 31

Due to difficult weather conditions and the risk of several landslides, the search has been carried out mainly from the air. The search has lasted all night.

Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes

Found with heat search chamber

During the last 24 hours, several residents of the area have been evacuated. The helicopters are equipped with heat search cameras.

– Has the heat search chamber helped save lives?

– Yes, I would say that. But it is a concerted effort that has saved our lives today. The heat search chamber is one of our tools, operations manager Roger Pettersen told NRK on Wednesday.

The rescue team is working in the Gjerdrum area.

Rescuers are working in the area where the landslide occurred in Gjerdrum early Wednesday morning.

Photo: Cicilie Andersen

Sea King helicopters are searching for people in the Gjerdrum landslide area.

Rescuers are using Sea King helicopters to rescue people from the avalanche.

Photo: Cicilie S. Andersen / NRK

Emergency services are on site in Gjerdrum.

The emergency services have sent large resources to the accident site in Gjerdrum

Photo: Cicilie S. Andersen / NRK

Among the largest landslides of recent times

The landslide that struck the area Wednesday night is described as one of the largest in recent times.

Gjerdrum locals have joined in the last 24 hours. Many help those who are now homeless. Several loads of clothing have been donated.

Tony Kanarifans

Tony Johansen is the leader of the Kanarifansen support group, which coordinates an aid campaign.

Photo: Peter Von Tangen-Jordan
