The Gjerdrum landslide – – Hope fades a bit


GJERDRUM / OSLO (Dagbladet): – It’s almost terrifying to see that all of Ask has turned into a disaster zone. But this is what it looks like when very advanced and coordinated rescue work is underway, Gjerdrum Mayor Anders Østensen (Labor Party) tells Dagbladet.

On Thursday afternoon, rescue teams conducted a search of a house at the crash site.

Østensen praises all the agencies involved in the rescue work and says that the families of the missing have been informed about the work being done at the accident site.

– It’s a demanding job. Many of the family members probably feel that hope is fading a bit. People are sad and in shock. There are many emotions out there. But we get a lot of good feedback and we really appreciate it.

- Duro: Anders Østensen (Labor Party) says that all of Gjerdrum is marked by tragedy.  Photo: Henning Lillegaard

– LASTED: Anders Østensen (Labor Party) says that all of Gjerdrum is marked by tragedy. Photo: Henning Lillegaard
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– in shock

On New Year’s Eve, several people from the local community gathered at the landslide area in Gjerdrum.

The Dagbladet reporter at the scene describes the atmosphere as shocking. Some people have tears in their eyes, others are trying to find out if their house is still standing.

Ole-Martin Andersen and his parents live just a few dozen meters from the edge of the avalanche.

The 24-year-old was about to go to bed when he woke up with a crash. He realized that something was wrong and woke up his parents.

– Things are going well, but we are still a little shocked. Fortunately we reached a safe place. That’s the most important thing, he tells Dagbladet.

- NOT REAL: Ole-Martin Andersen (24).  Photo: Private

– UNREAL: Ole-Martin Andersen (24 years old). Photo: Private
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Dagbladet meets Odd and Rigmor Nordengen in front of the landslide area.

– This is completely unreal. At the same time, I am impressed with everyone who performs. Follow-up from all agencies has been top-notch, Odd Nordengen tells Dagbladet

Today they feel a special atmosphere in Gjerdrum.

– I feel completely exhausted. I was watching television all day yesterday and we are lucky that our house is still standing. Yesterday, the atmosphere was completely under control, says Rigmor.

They live close to where the landslide occurred, but have not been evacuated.

– You become humble, says Rigmor.

On Facebook, several members of the local community have marked their profile picture with a heart bearing the municipal coat of arms of Gjerdrum.

CONSIDERING PROHIBITION: – I encourage that no fireworks be used because we have drones and helicopters with crew on board in the air. It’s a safety risk for the crew, he says. Photo: NTB
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– Lasted

On Thursday morning, Østensen said many of the family members have questions about what is happening at the crash site and how police are working to find those who are still missing.

– It is terribly hard for everyone involved and for all the inhabitants. We know each other, many. These are small conditions. It affects everyone who lives here, Dagbladet said.

The mayor was able to say that the need for information for relatives was great.

– We know that the need for information is great. We have regular meetings, several a day, with all the evacuees. We have our top experts in meeting people who are in a desperate situation to attend family reunions, he says, adding:

– It’s about defending the inhabitants as often as we can and hoping it can help with something.

– One clings to the hope that it is still possible to find people who are alive.

He says it was a short night with little sleep.

– It wasn’t my best night.

A 2005 report from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) gives the area that has now been taken over by landslides, the highest level of danger that can occur when it comes to the danger of rapid clay landslides.

– Could one have foreseen this?

– No, You can not. There is a lot of clay in Romerike and a lot of fast clay deposits. We have not done anything that has not complied with what the authorities have demanded of us. These are questions to which we must return.

The dog that Zajka rescued from the crash site: - Absolutely fantastic

The dog that Zajka rescued from the crash site: – Absolutely fantastic

I met the relatives

At 10:00 am, the police and representatives of the municipality of Gjerdrum met at the center for relatives of the municipality, to meet the people who need to establish contact with the support apparatus of the municipality.

– It is a meeting with relatives for whom they have not been accounted for. There are people who are in dire straits, Østensen said at the time.

The goal was to provide as much information as possible.

– We will probably not be able to provide you with all the information you want and need, but it is still important that we have continuous contact, so you know that we are doing our best to answer questions and defend them.
