Romerikes Blad – 11 people are still missing: – Children are among the missing


At 7:51 p.m., Romerikes Blad is informed that there are now 11 people who have not been counted in connection with the landslide in Gjerdrum.

– At the same time that we are actively working in the landslide area itself, we are working on registering people. In that process, it has now been discovered that there are now 11 people left who have not been counted, says operations manager Gisle Sveen in the Eastern Police District.

One of the last people to recover has been found in the hospital.

– Initially, some were taken to the hospital by ambulance. Now we have followed up on these and have registered a person who is in the hospital with minor injuries, explains Sveen.

Otherwise, you have no new information about the injured.

Women, men and children

– There are women and men of different ages who belong to the houses. Children are among the missing, Task Chief Roger Pettersen in the Eastern Police District told a news conference at 6:10 p.m.

Although the number of missing persons has dropped from 26 as reported today, police cannot rule out that the number will decrease or increase during the afternoon and evening.

– The number is 15, but that can change. We are working hard to map and speak to the people who are affected by the landslide, continues the task leader.

Later, TV 2 reported that the number was further reduced to 12 people, and now the number is 11.

However, he is aware that they are still searching for survivors in the area of ​​the landslide.

– We have been on a challenging day and a challenging mission. We are still looking for survivors, he points to the press.

Task leader Roger Pettersen in the Eastern Police District.

Task leader Roger Pettersen in the Eastern Police District. Photo:

Searching the landslide area

In the so-called “red zone”, the emergency services have entered in the last hours with crews. During the night, the rescue teams have now entered a further “tracking” phase as it has grown dark.

– The landslide area itself is considered dangerous for exploration teams. Now we will use helicopters and drones, as well as fixed cameras, while we will have crews in the part of the landslide that is considered safe, explains operations manager Sveen.

– The idea is that if someone is in the area of ​​the landslide, they should be able to catch it, he adds.

Earlier in the evening, several houses were searched.

– We continue working in the red zone. That is, where the landslide has gone. The teams are now looking for parts of two or three houses to see if we can find someone inside these buildings. These are houses that come from the residential area where the landslide occurred, Pettersen explains.

– How is the damage to the houses?

– There are remains of houses, sections of houses. The damage is enormous, responds the leader of the task force.

At the same time that the search is being carried out in the area of ​​the landslide, the police are mapping who has lived in which housing units.

Several houses have collapsed during the afternoon.

Several houses have collapsed during the afternoon. Photo:

Three houses have collapsed

During the day, three houses collapsed. NVE came out earlier Wednesday and said there was still movement in the area and they had no control.

Now Pettersen says there has been no movement lately.

– NVE performs its assessments. Further south, consideration is being given to whether the evacuation area can be reduced. If it is completely safe, the area will be limited, but we will only do it if it is completely safe.
