Excluded by Frp – Will Bring More Democrats – NRK Norway – Roundup of News from Different Parts of the Country


Former Oslo Frp leader Geir Ugland Jacobsen has found a new match, after he was barred from Frp just before Christmas. He brings with him former FRP politician Kent Andersen and joins the Democrats.

Although Ugland Jacobsen says the Democrats program has a good starting point, he announces a new program in January.

– The new concept will not necessarily be far-right, but perhaps more focused. But the whole pillar is Norway first, to a greater extent than in today’s Frp.

-What does it mean for the Democrats to go more towards the center?

– My point is that the right-left axis is not that relevant. We see that we have common interests with politicians and voters from across the political spectrum, from the Red to the FRP, where the interest is to avoid too strong supranational governance, among other things.

He envisions an immigration policy that will be relatively similar to the current FRP program.

Probably changes name

He says the Democratic name is likely to be removed.

– To point out that it is a new initiative based on the Democrats. But then with a heavier element of former FRP members and possibly others who have sat on the fence.

Ugland Jacobsen’s goal is a seat in the Storting. But nationally, today’s Democrats are well below the threshold. Ugland Jacobsen responds that we will see, when asked how he has assessed the chances of a seat at the Storting.

– What we found is that there is a gap in the segment in question.

An alternative that has been mentioned above is that Ugland Jacobsen should go to the Downtown Party. He describes it as a reputation created by the media.

– I’ve never said that, but of course I’d consider the whole party. The Center Party, like all parties, has many good things, but not enough.

Will collect more

At the same time, Ugland-Jacobsen expects more Frp to emerge.

– We know more are coming. There are fence keepers and people who have already left Frp.

– Will we see a big shot in the next few days that goes to the Democrats?

– It remains to be seen. I can’t rule it out, but I don’t have a dialogue with either of them right now.

Considering continuing

In addition to Ugland-Jacobsen, on December 15 the local Frp team in Oslo was closed. On Tuesday, it was also announced that Arne Østreng, who is on the Nordre Aker Frp district team, has been notified of the exclusion.

This comes after Østreng called the exclusion of Ugland Jacobsen “cowardly” and the closure of the old Oslo Frp county council as “dictatorial”.

– A few days ago I received a message from Frp that a disciplinary case was created. They refer to the fact that I have been unfaithful to the party and have made statements that may harm party members. But I have until January 5 if I want to make an objection. But I don’t want that.

– Is it relevant for you to join the Democrats, like Geir Ugland Jacobsen?

– I have been to the think tank and that is an alternative.

FRP nestor Carl I. Hagen says the whole foreclosure case is very sad.

Carl Ivar Hagen.

SAD: Former FRP leader Carl I. Hagen calls the exclusion cases sad.

Photo: Terje Pedersen

– Both cases of exclusion should have been completely unnecessary and, in my opinion, they are not prudent. But I respect, of course, that decisions made legally must be respected.

– What do you think of the fact that it is precisely the Democrats that Ugland Jacobsen goes to?

– I take it as information. Beyond this, I have no comment.

NRK has contacted Frp, who does not want to comment on the case.
