Solvik-Olsen opens exclusion case against city leader in Oslo Frp


Before Christmas, the FRP central board excluded the national conservative county leader in the Oslo FRP, Geir Ugland Jacobsen. The party has now sent a new exclusion notice.

This time against Arne Østreng, who is the leader of the district team Nordre Aker Frp. This was Ugland Jacobsen’s home team before he was deprived of his FRP membership on December 15th.

After the exclusion of Ugland Jacobsen, Østreng spoke out against the party leadership, and is punishing.

I got the letter just before Christmas

Østreng called the removal of Ugland Jacobsen “cowardly” and the closure of the old Oslo Frp county council as “dictatorial”.

CONTRAGA: Ketil Solvik-Olsen heads the interim board in Oslo Frp.  Now they have opened an exclusion case against another member of the party.

CONTRAGA: Ketil Solvik-Olsen heads the interim board in Oslo Frp. Now they have opened an exclusion case against another member of the party. Photo: Berit Roald

It was too high a cost for the interim board in Oslo Frp, which is led by prominent politician Ketil Solvik-Olsen.

In a letter sent to Østreng on December 21, it is stated that the interim junta believes Østreng’s remarks could have damaged the reputation of the party and its members.

Based on statements to TV 2 and NRK, Solvik-Olsen and the other members of the functioning county board decided to open a case to revoke Østreng’s membership in Frp.

“Arne Østreng, through his public statements regarding, among other things, the central board’s decision to revoke Geir Ugland Jacobsen’s FrP membership, was publicly stated in such a way that it may have damaged the party’s reputation and members of the party, “says the decision.

Jacobsen thinks he’s a scapegoat

As background for the exclusion case, three statements are specifically mentioned.

FACT: Geir Ugland Jacobsen, former leader of Oslo Frp, was excluded from the party.  Now a new exclusion from the central board is announced.

FACT: Geir Ugland Jacobsen, former leader of Oslo Frp was excluded from the party. Now a new exclusion from the central council is announced. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

First thing about Ugland Jacobsen:

“Geir Ugland Jacobsen has become the scapegoat for the negligence of management and the central board.”

In the statement, Østreng wrote that it was “cowardly” to exclude Ugland Jacobsen.

Reference is also made to a statement, in which Østreng describes the closure by the central junta of the provincial junta as dictatorial and which “shows contempt for his own party and democratic principles.”

A critical statement about Vice President Sylvi Listhaug’s sabotage of the national conservatives was also not well received.

Solvik-Olsen has not responded to TV 2 inquiries about the exclusion case.

– Party rape

Østreng has had the opportunity to comment on the case before January 5, but says he sees no intention to do so.

– I do not want to return to a party that has lost its identity and relevance, says Østreng.

Party democracy has become an illusion, he believes.

– There is an internal power struggle. Many perceive the situation as a violation of the basic values ​​of the party’s program and a betrayal of the party’s union delegates, members and election campaigns, Østreng says.

I would remove Siv Jensen

TV 2 has previously written that Nordre Aker Frp proposed to reject Siv Jensen from the parliamentary election list and put national conservative Christian Tybring-Gjedde at the top, ahead of Carl I. Hagen and Ugland Jacobsen.

In a comment on the proposal, Ugland Jacobsen said it was a “compelling thought.”

Ugland Jacobsen was accused of undermining the position of party leader Siv Jensen.

– Ugland Jacobsen has repeatedly damaged the reputation of the party, our members and shop stewards. FRP needs union stewards who contribute positively to party building. The county leader in Oslo has suffered several abuses, Listhaug told the central board press conference.

– I react more to the fact that the county team is now closed. The ceiling height at the party is now practically non-existent, Ugland Jacobsen told TV 2.
