Now there will be a rematch for the billion-dollar contract to deliver food to the country’s hospital.


The contract for the delivery of food and beverages to Norwegian hospitals is worth an estimated NOK 570 million per year.

Last year, Sykehusinnkjøp HF announced a two-year open tender with the possibility of a two-year extension. Asko and Servicegrossistene entered the competition.

Asko initially drew the longest straw with a margin of 0.0054 points on a scale that extends to 10 points.



Now there will be a rematch of the wholesale deal after the Public Procurement Claims Board (Kofa) concluded that “the award criteria Prize it was not clear.

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A deviation of 0.2 grams in weight in the sachet packages with mayonnaise is cited as an example of the error that led to the tender being re-announced now.

– Absolutely unreasonable

Sales director Frode Olsen at Servicegrossistene tells Børsen that they appealed the tender decision to Kofa because they felt the rules of the game were not being followed.

– There must be predictability. He wasn’t here, so we appealed the decision. Of course, we are happy to have a new opportunity to win the contract. The Hospital Purchasing deal is a great deal for us, says Olsen.

Sold at Finn: - Declared

Sold at Finn: – Declared

In the announcement of the tender, Sykehusinnkjøp used the indication “approx.” For package sizes and weights, without this being specified in more detail. Only after the bid was submitted and bids were opened was “approx.” Like plus / minus 15 percent.

This was decisive when Service Wholesalers offered Idun 14 gram packs, while Asko offered Mills 12 gram packs. Which led to the Idun packages exceeding the 15 percent deviation limit by 0.2 grams.

– This is an example of completely unreasonable lawsuits, says Bjørn Garder, general manager of Servicegrossisten Øst to Drammens Tidende, who was the first to mention the case.

Limited margins

– The margins of being in or out were so limited that the competitive base was not enough, says CEO Jan van der Burg at Servicegrossistene to Børsen.

– We are pleased that Sykehusinnkjøp informed us today that they take Kofa’s assessment into account and re-announce this part of the tender, he adds.

The one billion fine: - To the limit

The one billion fine: – To the limit

Harald I. Johnsen, division director of the national services division in Hospital Purchases, confirms that the part of the tender that applies to wholesale goods has been canceled and that there will be a new round.

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– Hospital contracting takes note of Kofa’s decision. New competition for this sub-offer will be announced as soon as possible and, prior to the announcement, a market dialogue with potential suppliers will also take place, he says in an email to Børsen.
