Vedum ignites a debate of words: affirms that the prime minister stamps it


– There are stamps all the time. From the Minister of State Linda Hofstad Helleland and, in fact, also from the Prime Minister. In a way, it’s a new stigma in the mid-year. It has been “backwards”, “old fashioned” and it is “dangerous”. Basically, it’s just that we disagree. We have different solutions, says Vedum in a Christmas interview with NTB.

In recent years, the leader of the SP has branded himself as a creator of the word. Last Christmas, he released the new word “rib delight,” which he hoped would replace “meat comb.”

This Christmas, Vedum lights a fire at his farmhouse in Stange and brings out a new concept from the editor.

– I’m a bit ashamed to say it … hug.

– Words squeeze?

– Christmas this year is better to say a kind word to neighbors, colleagues or friends, since it is difficult to give physical hugs.

Christmas cheer

There is fire and flames in the Center Party at the moment. For the first time, they are now bigger than the Labor Party in various polls, and in recent months support has been around 20 percent.

The idea that Vedum could one day become prime minister has gone from being unlikely to becoming a real possibility. But Vedum doesn’t want to talk about it.

Vedum believes that times of crisis have helped more people open their eyes to the Center Party.  Here he shovels snow outside the cottage on the farm in Stange Township.  Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

Vedum believes that times of crisis have helped more people open their eyes to the Center Party. Here he shovels snow outside the farmhouse on the estate in the municipality of Stange. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

– The entire cabal of people is subordinate. There are often too many discussions about it, he says.

– But does someone have to become prime minister?

– The most important thing is to be clear about the order. On what we are going to do for the people if we achieve a new government: lift up the local communities, lift the working day for the people. Make sure we don’t have a Norway with too big differences.


Parallel to the good measurements, the use of the word “meat comb” seems to be declining. An informal check on the Retriever media monitoring service shows a 40 percent drop in 2020 compared to last year.

Vedum believes that the crown crisis is one of the causes. He thinks the meat comb is a “leftover debate word.”

– Last year it was moralized that people ate meat, but this year people have been more concerned about getting a job.

Times of crisis have also helped more people open their eyes to the Center Party, Vedum believes.

– We have been clear for a long time that it is important to have national control over natural resources. With a crown, I think more people see that it is important. The crisis shows that the market cannot be trusted 100 percent when things fail.

Do you have solutions?

The leader of the SP has been accused of being better at pointing out problems than proposing solutions. He himself believes he is stamping. That the opponents have run out of arguments.

– They’ve tried different things. For example, “populist, populist, populist.” And they will try all the time. Now “there are no solutions”, “there are no solutions”, he says.

FRP leader Siv Jensen is among political opponents who also like to play with words. This fall, he proposed to Vedum and warned him that he might have to cooperate with “Vingle-Jonas”, “Ulve-Audun”, “Bompenge-Lan” and “Kommunist-Bjørnar” after the elections.

The Center Party itself is clear that it wants a government together with the Labor Party. But Vedum is less clear who he expects that government to work with. Will wait with that. First it’s Christmas and then the elections.

Send words

At the Stange estate, ribs and rib cheer are still applied during the holidays, which are celebrated with the family.

– Then I have to try to get some word clips sent over Christmas, says Vedum.

– Who do you want to send them to?

– If I can do it in a big way, it is for everyone who fears for their work. They need to know that many of us are trying to work for them.

But one of those in danger of losing his job this fall, Vedum won’t work to save him. On the contrary.

– Do you want to give the Prime Minister a hug?

– Yes, I hope Erna Solberg has a good Christmas break. Because she has defended what she can. I don’t want to put harsh words against her at Christmas.
