Thousands died of glue trap injuries


Dagbladet warns of strong impressions.

The English animal protection organization RSPCA has issued disturbing images.

The male cat Miles was found in a London alley. It was stuck in four glue traps. Both the legs and the lower part of the body were glued on plates filled with glue.

Miles also had a large injury to his leg, as a result of the glue traps, RSPCA writes in a press release.

– The poor cat was in extreme pain from the terrible injuries and was very scared and scared, writes Nicole Broster, who works at the RSPCA, in the press release.

Had to be killed

HARD DAMAGE: Miles trapped in four glue traps.  Photo: RSPCA

SERIOUSLY INJURED: Miles caught in four glue traps. Photo: RSPCA
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Glue traps are used to catch rats and mice and are widespread in the UK. They consist of a plastic, cardboard or wooden plate and a layer of glue that does not dry.

– This is the worst glue trap case I have ever seen and handled. One usually finds one or two that are trapped in the animal, not four, Broster writes.

“I took him to Harmsworth Hospital for treatment, but unfortunately his condition only worsened and the vets made the heartbreaking decision to let him go through the pain,” he writes.

Illegal in Norway

The use of glue traps is not allowed in Norway without a special permit, and only pest control companies can.

In the UK, on ​​the other hand, the use of traps for individuals is still allowed. The animal welfare organization wants to end this.

– When the poor animal is stuck, it begins to struggle to get loose, and in the process, more and more parts of the body get stuck in the glue, writes RSPCA scientific advisor Evie Button in the press release.
