Sharp increase in number of corona infected patients admitted to hospital


Increase of 17 people since the 2nd day of Christmas.

On Sunday, 129 COVID-19 patients were admitted to Norwegian hospitals, an increase of 17 from the previous day.

14 of the patients receive respiratory treatment. There are as many as the day before, according to Sunday’s summary from the Norwegian Health Directorate. 115 of the coronary patients have been admitted to the Helse sør-øst hospital, six have been admitted to Helse vest, six have been admitted to Helse Midt-Norge and two have been admitted to Helse nord .

The sea

Svein (67) received the first coronary vaccine in Norway

The latest figures from the National Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS) show that 430 new cases of infection were registered in the last 24 hours. That’s 113 more than the day before and 55 more than the same day last week.

The figures came in late Sunday and show that 46,678 people have been infected with corona so far in this country.

A total of 2,014 coronary patients have been admitted to the hospital and 391 to the intensive care unit. 421 corona patients have died in Norway. (© NTB)

The sea

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