Svein (67) in Ellingsrudhjemmet received the vaccine for the first time in Norway – VG


ELLINGSRUD (VG) The first vaccine in Norway was put in Ellingsrudhjemmet in Oslo on Sunday morning: – A day of liberation, said the Prime Minister.


– This is a day we’ve been waiting for 291 days, since March 12 when we had to take serious action in Norway, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said just before the vaccination started.

– No time to lose.

Then the first historic sting occurred on Sunday morning at Ellingsrudhjemmet in Oslo. Ellingsrud’s house was too the first nursing home in Oslo will be affected by the coronavirus on March 14.

At 12:05 p.m., Svein Andersen, 67, received the country’s first vaccine against the coronavirus.

– You will be the symbol that we start vaccination, the Prime Minister told Andersen.

– This is a day of liberation, to free ourselves from this virus. When we have a vaccine, we can get back to everyday life, Solberg continues.

FIRST: Svein Andersen (67) received the first vaccine in Norway: – Almost like when Armstrong went to the moon, he said himself afterwards. Photo: Fredrik Hagen, NTB

The VG reporter on the site reports on a happy and good atmosphere in the nursing home.

In addition to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health and Sanitation Bent Høie and Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen are also present for a video call on the big screen.

– There was no pain at all, nothing more than any other vaccine, Andersen said after receiving the sting.

I wanted to get the vaccine first

Andersen himself exclaimed that he is happy that visitors soon do not have to book an appointment at the nursing home many days in advance.

– How does it feel to be the first to receive the vaccine in Norway?

– It’s a bit strange, almost a bit historical. Almost like when Armstrong went to the moon, Andersen responds.

– Were you the one who wanted to receive the first vaccine, or were you asked about it?

– I expressed a wish quite early that I wanted him, and then they asked me later, he answers and points out that he has never had any doubts that he will be vaccinated or not.

The Health Council: – Like a seven-year-old on Christmas Eve

In a few days, Ellingsrudhjemmet now plans to vaccinate the 146 residents of the nursing home.

– I am excited and happy at the same time. This means a lot to Oslo. We are hard hit, said City Councilman Raymond Johansen.

– How important is it that Oslo is now the first place to receive the vaccine?

– I am very grateful that it is now being implemented in our nursing homes. That it was also in Ellingsrudhjemmet, where the first person in Oslo died of covid-19, was correct, he responds.

Oslo Health Council Robert Steen tells VG that it is a special day.

– I felt like a seven-year-old on Christmas Eve, Steen tells VG.

HISTORICAL MOMENT: Svein Andersen (67) is transferred immediately to receive the first dose of the corona vaccine in Norway. Photo: Line Fausko, VG

In Norway, FHI now plans to continuously vaccinate 5,000 residents of nursing homes in Oslo and the surrounding areas in the coming days.

The first vaccine delivery, which arrived in Oslo on Christmas 2, was 9,750 doses. The following municipalities receive the vaccine first, and will begin vaccination continuously on December 28:

  • Ringsaker
  • soon
  • pole
  • Sarpsborg
  • Fredrikstad
  • Whales
  • Oslo

The municipalities have been chosen both for geographical reasons, since the first package is delivered in Oslo, and because the municipalities have a lot of infection and because they have managed to prepare.

Also read: Here the vaccine car is escorted to the other side of the border

Start vaccination continuously – soon 40,000 doses per week

Norway will receive approx. 40,000 doses delivered. The first regular delivery arrives on the third day of Christmas, and according to FHI it is 35,000 doses.

Municipalities have been informed that half, just over 17,000 doses, can be sent to them in the first week.

When multiple vaccines are approved, Norway can have multiple vaccines at the same time. The other five vaccines that are relevant to the EU and Norway do not need such cold storage and therefore distribution will be easier.

Read more about the other vaccine candidates by clicking on them below:
