Svein (67) from Ellingsrudhjemmet receives first vaccine in Norway – VG


ELLINGSRUD (VG) The first injection of the vaccine in Norway will be administered at Ellingsrudhjemmet in Oslo on Sunday morning.


– We had been looking forward to this day for a long time, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said when the first load of vaccines arrived at Ullevål hospital on Saturday.

The van that delivered the vaccines was escorted across the border and into the capital.

It contained 9,750 doses, which are now distributed to seven municipalities in eastern Norway during Christmas.

The first historic bet will be set on Sunday morning at Ellingsrudhjemmet in Oslo. It was the same nursing home first in oslo will be affected by the coronavirus on March 14.

At 12 o’clock, Svein Andersen, 67, will receive the country’s first vaccine bite.

HISTORICAL MOMENT: Svein Andersen (67) is transferred immediately to receive the first dose of the corona vaccine in Norway. Photo: Line Fausko, VG

A quarter of an hour before the plug is installed, the VG reporter on the scene reports a tense atmosphere in the nursing home.

In a few days, Ellingsrudhjemmet now plans to vaccinate the 146 residents of the nursing home.

Also read: Here the vaccine car is escorted to the other side of the border

In Norway, FHI now plans to continuously vaccinate 5,000 residents of nursing homes in Oslo and the surrounding areas in the coming days.

The first vaccine delivery, which arrived in Oslo on Christmas 2, was 9,750 doses. The following municipalities receive the vaccine first, and will begin vaccination continuously on December 28:

  • Ringsaker
  • soon
  • pole
  • Sarpsborg
  • Fredrikstad
  • Whales
  • Oslo

The municipalities have been chosen both for geographical reasons, since the first package is delivered in Oslo, and because the municipalities have a lot of infection and because they have managed to prepare.

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ARRIVES: On Saturday, the first delivery of vaccines arrived at Ullevål hospital, escorted by the police: – We have been concerned that someone might do something to obtain the vaccines before they actually receive them, explained the general manager of the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer Norway. , Sissel Lønning Andresen. Photo: MATTIS SANDBLAD

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Norway will receive approx. 40,000 doses delivered. The first regular delivery arrives on the third day of Christmas, and according to FHI it is 35,000 doses.

Municipalities have been informed that half, just over 17,000 doses, can be sent to them in the first week.

When multiple vaccines are approved, Norway can have multiple vaccines at the same time. The other five vaccines that are relevant to the EU and Norway do not need such cold storage and therefore distribution will be easier.

Read more about the other vaccine candidates by clicking on them below:
