Biden warns of consequences if Trump blocks crown crisis package


The crisis package, which has been approved by Congress, grants all Americans, among other things, a crisis check for $ 600.

Trump questioned the long-awaited package when he demanded that the amount be tripled.

– This irresponsibility has devastating consequences, Biden says in a statement.

The crisis package will be worth $ 900 billion.

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– The lifebuoy they need

It points out that state aid will expire in a few days and that millions of Americans may be forced to leave their homes.

– A postponement means that several small businesses will not survive this dark winter because they do not have access to the lifebuoy they need. There will be further delays for Americans in obtaining the direct payments they deserve to deal with the economic devastation that COVID-19 has created. says Biden.

Democrats in Congress, for their part, have said they are ready to meet the demand for more support.

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It will affect millions

Trump went against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell when he attacked the crisis package. McConnell has refused to make the crisis package bigger than the negotiated one.

Further delays could have dire consequences for millions of Americans and American businesses struggling because of the measures. Also, there will be no additional support for vaccine distribution.

Because Congress has tied the crisis package to blanket funding from the state, it could lead to a shutdown of the state apparatus on December 29.
