Parking, Parking well | Kjell Sigmund (81) was fined even though he paid for parking. Now check out the parking company:


– I think this goes beyond all limits.

HØVIK (Nettavisen Økonomi): – In principle, I will not pay this fine, because I paid for parking, says Kjell Sigmund Hoel (81) to Nettavisen.

Earlier this year, he was visiting Bærum hospital and parked as usual in the outside car park. Paid for parking, which you can prove by bank statement. Watch the video with the test on top of the box.

Soon after, however, a fine of 600 kroner appeared from Aimo Park, the company that manages the hospital parking lot.

– I have been told that I have entered the wrong car number in the machine, but I have no idea of ​​the votes, says Hoel.

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Out of paper

The hospital vending machines are paperless, so Hoel does not have a receipt that can deny or confirm that he entered the wrong registration number. So it is the parking company that has all the information on what number Hoel entered.

– I have not seen any evidence that I entered the wrong car number and have had the same for over ten years, and have parked many times at Bærum Hospital, he says, that he is not impressed by the treatment he has received.

– It’s professional extortion. They have the whole apparatus behind them, with lawyers and letters pre-printed on the PC and with legal clauses. Most people who receive such tickets give in, says Hoel, who has now reported the parking company to the police.

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Offered to pay

In the review, Hoel writes that the payment may appear to be pure theft of your bank account by the parking company.

– They know very well that the parking fee was paid on the spot. The company has offered to refund the parking fee of 24 crowns, if I pay the fine of 600 crowns. That is incredible. It doesn’t work, he says.

He is also very critical of the way vending machines are designed.

– They refuse to accept that I have paid correctly. The payment process should be universally designed, says Hoel, referring to Article 31 of the parking regulations.

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– The problem is that everything is done digitally. If you are not agile with the paw, the image disappears on the screen. You can’t think twice.

Refuses to pay debt collection

The parking lot case has now gone to debt collection, but even then Hoel won’t pay.

– I think this goes beyond all limits. Here is a regular transaction, for a few crowns, which is rejected by legalistic methods. They continue to run a process like a million wasted.

– Many in his position had just paid and moved on. Why is it not relevant to you?

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– Yes, good question. I am so bothered by this nonsense that it seems very unfair to “the little man.” I don’t mean to give in to this. I have behaved as normal, maybe the machine registered an error, but the machine went directly to my bank account and recovered the amount it was supposed to pay.

– Common practice

The online newspaper has also contacted Aimo Park, who notes that Hoel has not been backed by his case in the parking appeals committee.

– Aimo Park follows the practice of the Parking Complaint Board, which in many cases has established that it is within the driver’s control to enter the correct identification when the driver has the opportunity to verify what is recorded, e.g. Eg reading this on the machine screen. However, we do give the driver the opportunity to request a refund of the amount paid in the parking fee if the driver so wishes. This applies regardless of the size of the amount paid. This information is provided in a response letter to the client, writes Elin Constance Greiff, legal director of Aimo Park Norway AS, in an email.

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He is not concerned with other legal consequences of the case.

– The case has been legally decided at the Parking Complaint Board and, to our knowledge, the driver / complainant has not issued a citation within 4 weeks after notification of the board’s decision. Therefore, there are no blanket appeals in this case, and therefore additional court proceedings are not relevant, he writes.

– Is this a common problem for you as a parking company?

– This is a known problem, but the proportion of records with typographical errors is low in relation to the number of transactions that are carried out daily. We constantly work with our vendors to find good solutions to avoid typos, says Greiff.

The online newspaper asked Greiff if they had proof that Hoel actually entered the wrong car number, but she did not answer this question.

– Boring

The online newspaper has contacted the Consumer Council, which confirms that it is not uncommon for them to receive inquiries about similar cases.

– The main rule for electronic payment and parking registration is that the driver is responsible for entering the correct information, including the identification mark and the fare zone. Exceptions apply when you do not receive a receipt, confirmation, or opportunity to verify the record. If you, as a driver, paid for parking, but with the wrong registration number, there is unfortunately little you can do if you had the opportunity to verify the registration, writes Caroline Skarderud, a lawyer for the Consumer Council, in an email to Nettavisen .

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And continues:

– It is always boring to be fined or fined for something, so if it is not possible to complain about the rate, you have to take it as a lesson for the next time. It is a good idea to take the time to enter the registration number so you know that it is completely correct.

The Consumer Council adds that the parking company may choose to satisfy the consumer, but that is the company’s choice.


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