Now the vaccine is in Norway – VG


CROSSED THE BORDER: The car with the vaccine doses has crossed the border into Norway. Photo: RONALD WITTEK / EPA

The first doses of vaccine have already arrived in Norway, and will be sent to the seven municipalities that start vaccination this Christmas.


The truck contains 9,750 cans, which will be distributed to seven municipalities in eastern Norway this Christmas. The first plug is placed on Sunday.

The cars have been driven from the Pfizer factory in Puurs, Belgium.

The distribution regime is strict, and it is a secret where the cold rooms are located for security reasons.

Click on the graphic to read more about the vaccine:

Pfizer itself delivers vaccine doses to cold rooms in different parts of the country in specially manufactured boxes. This is because they must maintain a temperature of minus 70 degrees.

Norway will receive approx. 40,000 doses. The first regular delivery arrives on the third day of Christmas, and according to FHI it is 35,000 doses.

In total, municipalities have been informed that half, just over 17,000 doses, can be sent to them in the first week.

Those who receive the Pfizer vaccine should receive a dose of two after 21 days. But municipalities cannot have both doses delivered to a citizen at the same time – the Pfizer vaccine has a short shelf life and only lasts for five days after thawing to ship to municipalities. In central cold rooms, the doses are maintained for six months.

– Deliveries throughout the new year will arrive weekly. In the first three weeks, delivery to the municipalities will be less, because they only have to vaccinate the first dose. However, starting from week four, it will ship around double, because then you can also start by setting dose two, Geir Bukholm at FHI explained to VG earlier this week.

Read all about the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and the other five vaccines that are relevant to Norway in the special VG vaccineand check where you are in the vaccine queue when taking this test.

Enter your municipality in the search field to see how many doses are distributed there in week one:
