Donald Trump – Golf:


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): For several months, Republicans and Democrats in Congress have been conducting intense negotiations to agree to a major crisis package for the crown. Just before Christmas, they agreed. But then the president of the United States, who has not been particularly involved in the negotiations, sat on his hind legs. Suddenly, he wanted to increase the amount all Americans should receive from $ 600 (approximately $ 5,200) to $ 2,000 (approximately $ 17,400). This is also what most Democrats want, but not Republicans from Trump’s own party. It is now unclear whether Trump will veto.

The AP describes this as Trump throwing a grenade at the crisis package negotiations before heading to Florida for the Christmas holidays. This is happening while millions of Americans are in a deep economic crisis and the pandemic continues to cause large numbers of deaths every day.

Refuses to give up

Refuses to give up


Since then, Trump has spent much of his time golfing at his private golf course in Palm Beach, both Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, the White House sent out a special statement on Trump’s plan for Christmas Eve.

– As the holiday season approaches, President Trump will work tirelessly for the American people. His schedule includes many meetings and phone calls, writes the White House.

On Thursday, they repeated the same wording on Trump’s plans on Friday, CBS News reports without specifying any of these meetings.

On Christmas Eve, the crisis package was flown to Florida for Trump to sign. He hasn’t done it yet.

“I am convinced that you are determined to increase the payments to $ 2,000 per person and challenge section 230, which provides liability protection for big technologies,” wrote one of Trump’s closest allies in the Senate, Lindsey Graham. Twitter.

Trap charges: - Cardboard figures

Trap charges: – Cardboard figures

– Gives the crust

But Trump’s behavior has created chaos and has been strong within the Republican Party. No one seems to understand what Trump really wants.

RECEIVE CRITICISM: Donald Trump has a tradition of holding big Christmas parties, but is criticized by participants who don’t wear blindfolds. Video: AP / Twitter
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– We received guarantees that the president would sign the agreement. J“I have no idea what he’s planning,” said Republican Senator Roy Blunt, a loyal Trump supporter, according to CNN.

Forgive the criminals in the circle around them.

Forgive the criminals in the circle around them.

– If you think that going to Twitter and downplaying the agreement that your team negotiated, and we support on your behalf, will bring more people to your side in this electoral failure, then I hope you are wrong, but we will see. , Republican Congressman Anthony González tweeted Wednesday.

Many Democrats are also reacting strongly to Trump’s behavior.

– Yesterday I held a public meeting in which people cried. People are terrified of what will happen. The president, when we finally think that we could give people hope, that’s the hope that people need, then he gives people deception. Throw more fear. He threw gasoline into a terrorist fire, Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Dingell told CNN.

GO VIRAL: Melissa Carone has been described as a “star witness” by both Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani. Now they are ridiculing her. Video: Michigan State House. Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen
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Big costs

According to the AP, Lindsey Graham played golf with Trump on Friday.

According to a Huffington Post review, Trump has played golf on his own golf courses 291 times since taking office in 2017. The travel and security costs associated with this are sent to American taxpayers. To date, it has cost taxpayers $ 151.5 million (about $ 1.3 billion).

- Enter Trump's most dangerous weeks

– Enter Trump’s most dangerous weeks

Before becoming president, Trump was eager to criticize former US President Barack Obama for playing golf. During the 2016 election campaign, Trump claimed that he would be too busy to take a break.

“I just want to be in the White House and work hard,” Trump said in February 2016.

Unlike Trump, who insists on playing on his own courses, Obama played on military golf courses. Therefore, it was much cheaper to ensure safety.

Big consequences

If Trump refuses to sign the crisis package deal, which is tied to a $ 1.4 trillion budget, the federal sector in the United States will not be funded and therefore will shut down. Also, it will cause late payments to all Americans. It will also stop the payment of unemployment benefits and protection against evictions. The crisis package also contains large sums for many parts of American society, which are struggling a lot.

Have had enough

Have had enough

At the same time, Trump has continued to tweet his undocumented conspiracy theories that his election was stolen. Friday tdegraded he also about the crisis package.

– Why don’t politicians want to give people $ 2,000 instead of just $ 600? It wasn’t his fault. It was China. Give people the money, writes the President of the United States.

Rudy is with

In recent days, Trump has been furious with Republicans in Congress, who have acknowledged that Joe Biden will take over as president of the United States on January 20. He is still trying to find ways to reverse the election result. His most ardent gunman and personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was with Trump on the plane for the Christmas vacation in Florida.

CLEAR: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knows that President Donald Trump must resign. Photo: ABC.
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– At a meeting in Florida today, everyone asked why Republicans aren’t angry and fighting the fact that Democrats stole the rigged presidential election. Especially in the Senate, they said, where you helped 8 senators win their elections, Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday.

Trump’s own attorney general Bill Barr, Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican governors, judges in dozens of lawsuits, and local election officials have dismissed all of Trump’s allegations of widespread voter fraud. .


Considering “never come back”

– Christmas miracle

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi immediately announced that she would support Trump’s proposal to increase the payment to $ 2,000. According to the plan, Congress will now meet on Monday to vote on this. The proposal is unlikely to win in the Senate, where Republicans have a majority.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump also posted a video clip with a Christmas greeting.

– As you know, Christmas is different from previous years, says Melania Trump and asks people to focus on the good works that the pandemic has inspired.

The president boasted of the rapid development of a corona vaccine.

“It really is a Christmas miracle,” Trump said.
