The coronavirus, the coronary crisis | Reduces testability amid strong increase in infection: – Completely unacceptable


The municipality of Skien is experiencing a sharp increase in infection. But more are not put to the test, because the municipality has cut capacity at Christmas.

On December 22, 41 new cases of infection were registered in the municipality of Skien. The next day it was 3. On Christmas Eve, there were also 15 new cases.

But at the same time that the municipality experiences a sharp increase in infection, the testing capacity has been reduced. The municipality itself affirms it.

– We have reduced the number of visits at Christmas due to capacity problems, writes communication manager Anne Spånem in Skien municipality in an SMS to Nettavisen.

The municipality has also cut the reservation of hours online.

Three people Nettavisen has spoken with claim that it was difficult to make an appointment and that they had to wait a long time to receive the corona phone as the online appointment booking is closed. Everyone had to wait two to three days to get tested.

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The municipality itself states that people must wait some time for the tests.

– The test pools will be installed over Christmas, but you may have to wait a bit before getting tested, the municipality writes in a Christmas message to residents.

– Completely unacceptable

Telemark’s parliamentary representative, Bård Hoksrud (Frp) reacts to the fact that the municipality has reduced testing capacity.

– Grenland has the highest infection rate in a long time and the trend is increasing. It shows that the fight against the virus does not take the Christmas holidays. Then we cannot lower the preparation and the fight against the virus.

The FRP representative talks about several who have contacted him, who have waited for hours to get a reservation. The queues have already become very long.

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– But even those who work with crown need a little Christmas vacation, right?

– Those who work with tests also absolutely need a vacation. Together with all the members of the health system, they have done a formidable job for which we must all thank them. But everyone knows that Christmas and holidays are coming, so here the municipalities should have made sure to reserve forces that can contribute now.

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Hoksrud believes that the municipality’s administration is behaving in an unacceptable manner.

– It is completely unacceptable. I hope the municipality cleans up and makes sure the capacity is as good as usual. This has important consequences for people. If we want to eliminate the virus, we are completely dependent on testing. A pandemic does not take a Christmas vacation. Therefore, we cannot afford to do so, he tells Nettavisen.

The article continues after the measurement.

I must wait wait

Deputy City Manager Jan Petter Johansen confirms that capacity has been drastically reduced for large groups.

– The commons have a reduced offer. If you are curious to know whether or not you have a crown, you will have a small chance to get tested. But if you are seriously ill, you should call the emergency room. Then an exam will find out if you need to be tested, he tells Nettavisen.

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He says there has been a sharp increase in infection in Skien recently. In particular, it has been linked to close contacts of people who have been confirmed infected and in immigrant communities in the city.

– Also, there has been a lot of infection among immigrant communities, and especially the Somali community. We believe we are being tracked responsibly, he says.

– With such a strong increase, shouldn’t the municipality maintain capacity at Christmas?

– This is what we can achieve. It is about ability and not will. We have removed health personnel from quarantine to carry out nursing and care services. If politicians at a general level are concerned, they should rather look at how they can help municipalities with their work.

Read more: NIPH: The situation of the crown in Norway is unstable

The deputy mayor believes that waiting a few more days for a coronation test is the contribution of many.

– It is justifiable based on the manpower we have available. Maybe it’s the job of some who have to wait a few days for a test. It is not only the health service that has to pay the most.

He adds that healthcare workers have put in a formidable effort over a long period, and now it is possible to take a Christmas vacation that should only be missed.

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– When did you get back to normal?

– We have significantly more capacity on Christmas weekdays, and we are back to normal in the new year. We follow it every day and are happy that the infection rates have dropped a bit in the last few days.


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