Stavanger, Crisis meetings | Infection control doctor concerned about coronary history in Stavanger on Christmas Eve


There have been 36 new cases of infection in Stavanger in the last 24 hours, more than ever in the pandemic. A contingency meeting will be held on Christmas Day.

The municipality of Stavanger says that an emergency management meeting will be held at 12 on Christmas Day, and that there will be more information after the meeting.

14 of the contagion cases that were registered on Christmas Eve have an unknown contagion route. Three of the infections are related to the taxi industry.

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On Christmas Eve, there were 16 cases of infection in Stavanger, while the day before there were seven. Last week 18 new cases were registered, while 66 cases of infection have been registered so far this week.

– We have had a strong increase in the last two days and we have seen that it has developed especially in a Somali environment and families. Now we mainly work against it, concentrating on obtaining information and limiting the outbreak as best as possible, says the chief doctor of infection control in Stavanger Runar Johannessen to VG.

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Several of those infected have been ill for a long time, which makes monitoring the infection more demanding. Johannessen expects more cases of infection in the coming days.

– We are concerned about the situation. Until now, we talk about groups of infections. Whether we are in control depends on how long it takes to get an overview, says Johannessen.

In the neighboring municipality of Sandnes, ten new cases of contagion have been reported in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number since eleven were announced on November 2.

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