– I will never forget this – VG


STAND UP: Donald Trump has no plans to acknowledge electoral defeat. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP / NTB

Donald Trump’s relationship with his own party is constantly deteriorating. Top Democrat Nancy Pelosi hopes to build on the great relationship.


Joe Biden has been named the winner of the US presidential election, but Donald Trump continues the fight. He still stands firm, claiming that the Democrats “stole” his election.

Trump and his team have repeatedly made allegations of voter fraud and have filed a series of lawsuits in an attempt to change the outcome of the election. This has been rejected in court after court. No evidence of electoral fraud has been found that affects the outcome of the election.

After voters voted just over a week ago for Biden as the next president of the United States, more and more Republicans have recognized Biden as the winner of the election.

Now Trump seems to realize that he must continue the fight alone, without seeming to stop him.

In recent days, he has used Twitter primarily to promote his message by posting videos for his 88 million followers, rather than holding press conferences.

Now he rages against his own party again.

– Saved at least eight Republican senators, including Mitch, from losing the rigged (presidential) election. Now (almost everyone) is watching me fight the evildoers: the radical left-wing Democrats. I will never forget this, write. Twitter.

also read

Trump Strikes Back at McConnell: – Too Soon to Give Up

Mitch McConnell, the Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, was one of those who recognized Biden as the winner of the election after voters cast their votes. Even then, he received criticism from Trump.

– Mitch, 75,000,000 votes, record for a sitting president (by a wide margin). It is too early to give up. The Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry, he wrote on Twitter, not to mention that Joe Biden received 81 million votes.

Pelosi awaits Trump’s help

In addition, he rejected the crown crisis package that Democrats and Republicans agreed upon after lengthy negotiations.

– It took too long. But the package they send to my desk is completely different. To be honest, it’s a shame, Trump said in a video posted on Twitter.

Among other things, Trump believed that the sum of $ 600 in direct crisis assistance to American families should be increased to $ 2,000 or $ 4,000 for couples.

When the proposal was raised in the House of Representatives on Christmas Eve, Republicans took a firm footing, and despite President Trump’s wishes.

also read

Donald Trump rejects congressional crisis package

Now, the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, hopes that Trump can convince his people.

“If the president is serious about the direct payment of $ 2,000, he should ask the Republicans to stop messing around,” he said in a statement.

On Monday, the House of Representatives will vote on the proposal again.

– To vote against this proposal is to deny the economic difficulties faced by American families and deny them the help they need, he continues.

Ask Trump to sign

Anthony González, a Republican in the House of Representatives, is not impressed with the president.

– If you think that talking shit about the proposal, which yours and those who have supported you have negotiated, will give you more support on Twitter after the electoral failure, I hope you are wrong, but we’ll see, write on Twitter. .

Senate party colleague Missouri Senator Roy Blunt believes and hopes Trump will sign the resolution.

– The best solution for the presidency is to sign the resolution. I still hope that is your decision.

Additionally, eleven senators, both Republicans and Democrats, in a joint statement asked Trump to sign the crisis package, Reuters writes.

– This decision will provide much-needed help to struggling families, the unemployed, affected small businesses, an overloaded healthcare system, stressed schools and many others, they write.

Three options

As the situation stands now, there are three options for the crown crisis package, Reuters writes:

  • Trump approves the deal, even if Congress disagrees with the proposed changes.
  • Trump vetoes. A vetoed Congress can override if they win more than a two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. If they do not overturn Trump’s decision, the proposal will be scrapped.
  • Trump chooses to do nothing. So, in theory, you will use your veto right. This happens ten days (Sundays do not count) after you receive the proposal from Congress. In this case, Trump has the clock on his side, since the proposal must be voted on by Congress, which promoted the proposal, while already on January 3, the United States passes from 116 to 117 Congress. Therefore, Joe Biden becomes president on January 20.

Meanwhile, it is the people who are suffering. There are 18.6 million cases of infection in the United States and more than 328,000 deaths are related to the pandemic. On Christmas Eve, more than 120,000 Americans were hospitalized with Covid-19.
