Koronavaksine, Korona | These are vaccinated first: Encourage the elderly not to travel with the family


The municipality of Oslo shares an overview of which nursing homes receive the vaccine first.

In just four days, the vaccination will begin in a nursing home in the municipality of Oslo.

– We are ready to start the vaccination. In the first five nursing homes in Oslo, 429 residents will be vaccinated over Christmas in space, says agency director Helge Jagmann at the Nursing Home Agency in a press release on Christmas Eve.

He says the survey for all nursing homes shows that a very high proportion want to be vaccinated. So far, they have received 2,049 responses and 95 percent of residents want the vaccine.

– In total, there are around 3,600 residents in nursing homes in Oslo and we hope that the proportion who want the vaccine will remain as high when the rest of the responses come, he says.

Also read: Coronary vaccine on the way to Norway

Asking the elderly to stay in the nursing home

After the residents of the first nursing homes have been vaccinated, the others remain in two groups, starting Jan.4 and Jan.11.

All people who receive the covid-19 vaccine must be vaccinated again after three weeks. However, the vaccine will not take effect for a week.

– If there is an infection outbreak or unresolved infection situation in a nursing home, we may have to postpone vaccination in that nursing home. To reduce the risk of infection, we advise residents not to go home with family members for Christmas, says Jagmann.

– Instead, we organize more family visits to nursing homes at Christmas within current infection control rules, he says.

Also read: Vaccinated nurse surprised her colleagues: – It’s crazy

Overview of the Covid-19 vaccination start-up:

There may be a change to the list below if there is an unresolved infection situation in one of the nursing homes or in case of challenges related to the logistics surrounding vaccines.

Group 1 – start-up December 28 (alphabetical order)

– Cathinka Guldberg Center

– Ellingsrudhjemmet

– The Lillo House

– The winning service and accommodation center

– Økernhjemmet

Group 2 – Start-up week 1 (alphabetical order)

– Ammerudlunden Nursing Home

– Bekkelagshjemmet

– Fagerborghjemmet

– Hovseterhjemmet

– Ilahjemmet

– Jewish Life and Senior Center

– Kantarellen Life and Rehabilitation Center

– Langerud nursing home

– Madserudhjemmet

– Majorstutunet residential and treatment center

– Manglerudhjemmet

– Midtåsenhjemmet


– Paul’s Nursing Home

– Romsås nursing home

– Rødtvet nursing home

– Sagenehjemmet

– Smedstadhjemmet

– Sofienbergsenteret

– St. Hanshaugen Care Center

– Stovnerskogen nursing home

Group 3 – Start-up week 2 (alphabetical order)

– Abildsø + østensjø nursing home

– Akerselva nursing home

– Ammerudhjemmet Residential and Cultural Center

– Furusethjemmet

– Grefsenhjemmet

– North of Seterhjemmet

– Oppsalhjemmet, Stovner department

– Silurveien nursing home

– Ullernhjemmet

– Uranienborghjemmet

– Villa Enerhaugen

– Villa Skaar Kaialunden

– Vålerengahjemmet Residential and Cultural Center

Infection status in the Oslo nursing home

The municipality of Oslo also comes with an updated status of infection in nursing homes and health centers as of December 23.

  • 28 employees of 20 institutions are infected with the coronavirus.
  • 59 employees are in quarantine.
  • Two residents of nursing homes in Oslo are infected with Covid-19

Also read: NIPH on 2021: “Persistent danger that the epidemic will spiral out of control”

Since mid-March, residents have conducted more than 13,000 tests and employees more than 16,300, the municipality indicates.


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