Requires Trump dagger in the back


The House of Representatives yesterday halted a proposal to give most American workers a crisis check for $ 2,000 instead of $ 600.

They did so by rejecting the proposal to send the crisis package directly to the president.

Congress initially agreed to a $ 900 billion crisis package that would give many Americans a $ 600 check in fighting the crown crisis.

Presser trump

But when Donald Trump made it clear that he thought $ 600 wasn’t enough, Democrats were ready to take a big step toward a broader crisis package.

Therefore, an unusual political alliance was in the offing, but now has an uncertain future behind the Republicans’ no.

Democrats are urging the outgoing president to turn his back on his own party colleagues and make sure the crisis check is for $ 2,000.

“If the president is serious about the direct payment of $ 2,000, he must ask the Republicans to stop blocking,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) said in a statement.

TABBE: The outgoing first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, receives criticism after a visit to a children’s hospital in Washington, DC Photo: AP

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In a hurry

Pelosi also promised to convene the house Monday to approve a possible change, according to Fox News.

Therefore, Trump is in a tight spot between his own party and many of the American workers who voted for him.

– The package allows relatives of illegal immigrants to receive much more than what Americans receive. The $ 900 billion crisis package gives hard-working taxpayers just $ 600 each in crisis aid, and not enough is given to small businesses, especially restaurants, Trump said in a video yesterday. of Christmas.

- Enter Trump's most dangerous weeks

– Enter Trump’s most dangerous weeks

The veto can be overcome

Trump demanded that Congress present a new proposal.

– I ask Congress to change this proposal and increase the ridiculously low amount from $ 600 to $ 2,000, or $ 4,000 for couples. I’m also asking Congress to immediately remove the unnecessary and wasteful parts of this package and send me a new package, Trump said.

You can veto the case, but the majority against you in the House of Representatives may be large enough to override the veto in this case.

Delays in processing the package could have dire consequences for millions of Americans and American businesses fighting for the corona measures.

RECEIVE CRITICISM: Donald Trump has a tradition of holding big Christmas parties, but is criticized by participants who don’t wear blindfolds. Video: AP / Twitter
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Large-scale power struggle in January

Because Congress has linked the crisis package to general state funding, it could also lead to a general shutdown of the state apparatus as of December 29.

The great politics of the United States is also involved in the case. There are very important senatorial elections in the state of Georgia in January, and it is considered a weakness for Republican candidates that the party does not deliver a major crisis package.

If both Democratic candidates win the election, Democrats will have a majority in the Senate and House of Representatives when Joe Biden (D) takes over the White House.

Thus, huge sums are injected into the election campaign that no one can afford to lose. President Trump has announced that he will campaign for the Republican candidates.

Trap charges: - Cardboard figures

Cheating accusations images: – Cardboard cutouts

– Trump has abdicated

Trump’s rejection of the $ 900 billion crisis package sparked strong reactions.

– He has abdicated as president when it comes to politics, US expert and senior researcher at the Department of Defense Studies, Svein Melby, told Dagbladet.

– That this amount is too small, the Democrats agree, Pelosi has said it several times. Instead, it occurs to him now and almost threatens to veto it.

Melby believes Trump shames the Republican Party by indirectly criticizing the party for much of what it does.

– It’s hard to see a political party strategy in this, says Melby.
