The adoptive parents were released from custody – NRK Trøndelag – Local News, TV and Radio


The released woman is very relieved to be released from custody, her defender Theo Dretvik tells NRK.

– She is relieved to go home. We are facing a vacation. It’s not about celebrating Christmas, but about going home with those closest to you, says Dretvik.

The woman has been in total isolation for fourteen days after the couple was accused of aggravated domestic violence or complicity in it. They have both denied doing anything wrong.

The man is also relieved at his release, says defender Per Ove Sørholt. You will not comment further until you have spoken with your customer.

Foster parents released

The couple have been foster parents to the baby who died at St. Olav’s Hospital on December 10. The boy was hospitalized with internal injuries.

Silje Noem, Police Attorney

RELEASED: Police lawyer Silje Noem from Trøndelag Police District says the accused couple will be released from custody now before Christmas.

Photo: NRK

Police are investigating the case thoroughly, but released the couple on Christmas Eve.

– The accused have been released because we no longer consider that there is a danger of loss of evidence. In recent weeks, we have investigated intensively and extensively, and through this we have obtained the material that was critical in the first phase of the investigation, says Silje Noem, a police lawyer for the Trøndelag police district in a press release.

The boy was placed with the two defendants through the child welfare service. The biological parents live in Orkland Township.

Still loaded

The defendants in the case have been subjected to further questioning and the charges have not changed. The police continue to work on the basis of various hypotheses about the cause of the injuries that led to the death of the minor.

– Several medical examinations have been carried out, of which we are awaiting a response. The final autopsy report is also expected in the new year. These are important pieces that can help clarify what happened, says Silje Noem, a police prosecutor in the Trøndelag police district.

The police continue to investigate extensively with questioning of witnesses, technical investigations and much information has been obtained that is reviewed and analyzed.
