This is how the first doses of vaccine are distributed –


In total, Norway will receive 35,000 doses over Christmas, chief physician Are Stuwitz Berg of the National Institute of Public Health told a news conference on Tuesday. The vaccine will arrive in Norway on December 28 and will be distributed to all municipalities in the country from January 4. The amount of doses that each municipality receives is calculated according to the number of inhabitants in the priority group, that is, hospital residents and the elderly.

Will collaborate with the Red Cross, Norwegian People’s Aid and Sanitetskvinnene

This will be the vaccination in Molde

The municipality of Molde is preparing for the start of vaccination in January and asks people to be prepared on short notice. The priority list is now ready.

The distribution in Møre og Romsdal

This is how the doses are distributed to the municipalities of Romsdal according to a summary that VG has had access to:

Mold: 125

Hustadvika: 50

Vestnes: 25

Rauma: 30

Aukra: 15

Eliminated: 10

Other municipalities in Møre og Romsdal:

Kristiansund: 95

Ålesund: 205

Averøy: 25

Sunndal: 30

Tingvoll: 15

Surnadal: 25

Smøla: 10

Aure: 15

Vanylven: 15

Sande: 10

Herøy: 35

Ulstein: 25

Hareid: 20

Ørsta: 40

Beach: 20

Sykkylven: 30

Sula: 30

Giske: 25

Volda: 40

Fjord: 10

Oslo first

The first doses of coronary vaccine in Norway will be administered to five hospitals in Oslo. The first doses are probably set here every Monday during Christmas, writes Aftenposten.

In addition to Oslo, six municipalities have been selected to receive vaccine doses from the first delivery. These are Ringsaker, Hamar, Stange, Sarpsborg, Fredrikstad, and Hvaler.
