– The feeling is worth listening to – E24


Nina Jonansen (28) has been nominated for this year’s Leadership Talents award, and during her 13 years with the company she has brought with her some leadership experiences along the way.

SALES MANAGER: Nina Johansen, left, is a sales manager for Blivakker and the foreign online store Cocopanda. Here with former Blivakker boss Silvia Elin Melin in 2015.

Kjartan Bjelland / Fædrelandsvennen

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For the twelfth time, E24 will nominate for this year’s leadership talent in Norwegian business and industry.

The tipping process has been completed and the candidate evaluation work is underway. The independent jury will select the main winner and the category winner before the end of the year. The winner will be announced at an event in January.

Nina Johansen started at Blivakker when she was 15 years old, when she was a vacation substitute at the front desk and had a part-time position in customer service.

This is where her journey began, which later led to her being hired in 2016 as a sales manager for Blivakker and the foreign store Cocopanda.

– I started studying nursing, but discovered halfway through the study that nursing was not the way I wanted to continue. Then I saw the opportunity to get a permanent job at the company that I already knew well, he says.

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– Gained great trust from management

– How have you worked to get the position you have now?

– I have always been hungry for new challenges and have given a clear message about it. I have seized every opportunity that has been given me with open arms and have always had a great driving force to optimize and improve new and existing systems precisely to ensure further growth.

Johansen believes that having worked in various departments of the company has brought him several benefits, such as an overview of how the company works and how the different departments help to generate results.

– I have gained great confidence from the management, which has given me the opportunity to grow and acquire a lot of knowledge and good experience working with dedication, determination and great capacity for work throughout the years that I have been working in the company. company.

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SALES MANAGER: Nina Johansen is a sales manager for Blivakker and the foreign online store Cocopanda.


Change consumer habits

Blivakker has changed in recent years. Six years ago, about 80 percent sat at the PC and bought their products.

– Now there is only one thing that applies and that is to think first of mobile devices, or rather only mobile devices. We see that more than 80 percent of our customers buy their products from a mobile device, which means that everything we do on the side of new features and changes must be adapted to mobile to be as friendly as possible for our customers, Explain.

Besides the fact that the website and consumer habits have changed, the market has also changed.

– Previously, we had to work very hard to have access to brands. In recent years, we have become so big that the suppliers themselves come to us and want a collaboration. This is very good for both parties and gives our entire site a more professional look and gives us access to many major brands. We also have a physical Blivakker store in Kristiansand that allows customers to enter the Blivakker universe that way.

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“Work really hard” for market position

– How have you built the online store to be able to compete with the big players?

– Blivakker is the largest in our industry in Norway and we work hard to maintain it. We have a great advantage in the company that everyone who sits in the commercial departments of the different countries sits in the same office landscape, which means that good ideas are collected quickly and the way to put them into practice is short through cooperation with our home IT department.

Johansen explains that they want to showcase the people of the company through, among other things, live broadcasts, contests, information about promotions and news in the store.

– We are on a personalization journey where we focus on reaching each client with the correct message to give the content greater relevance. With this, we want clients to have a personal relationship with us.

To do this, they send personalized emails, personalized content on the cover and in the marketing channels based on the customer who is in and buying.

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Leadership qualities acquired on the road

After twelve years with the company, Johansen has brought his management experiences and highlights several points that he believes are important.

– Give freedom under responsibility, set clear goals and expectations, give clear feedback on what works well, but also on the areas where more work needs to be done. These are focus points that I believe build motivation, confidence, and then you are left with a dedicated sales team creating fantastic results together year after year.

He also points out that seeing the potential for employee development through annual development plans, which carries specific goals and improvement potential for managers and employees.

– I can also mention that I am an analytical person, but at the same time during the years that I have been in the company, I have been building a feeling that is worth listening to. Not everything has a clear analytical answer, so it can be good to have a hunch, he adds.

