Trump’s pardons are a reward for supporters, critics say


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The 20 people include people linked to Russia’s participation in the 2016 election, former congressmen and four convicted war criminals, reports the New York Times, emphasizing that Trump during his presidency has largely forgiven people with whom he has ties. close.

The latest round of pre-Christmas pardons elicits reactions from Top Democrat Adam Schiff, head of the intelligence committee.

“Trump does not give pardons out of remorse, reparation or justice, but as a reward to his friends and political allies,” Schiff said.

“He protects those who have lied to protect him, protect those who have killed civilians and undermine an investigation that revealed serious abuses,” he added.

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Massacre in Iraq

Among those pardoned are four former Blackwater mercenaries, sentenced to long prison terms for attacking civilians in Nisoor Square in the Iraqi capital Baghdad in September 2007.

From left to right: Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, Nicholas Slatten and Paul Slough are among those now being pardoned by President Trump. The four veterans and former Blackwater mercenaries are serving long prison terms for attacking and killing dozens of civilians in Iraq in 2007. Photo: AP / NTB

“We are deeply concerned by the recent pardons from the president of the United States,” said Marta Hurtado, spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Without hesitation, the four heavily armed American mercenaries, Nicolas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, began firing into the crowd. Both sniper rifles, machine guns and grenades were used in the attack that killed dozens of Iraqis.

The men themselves claimed that they were acting in self-defense after being ambushed by Iraqi rebels.

Heard’s attorney, David Schertler, says they are delighted and grateful for the forgiveness.

– We have always had faith in Dustin’s innocence and we have never given up the fight for justice. He served with honor and will eventually get his well deserved freedom, Schertler said.

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A humiliation

The American Civil Liberties Union, for its part, condemns the pardons.

– The attack was devastating for Iraq and was considered shameful and cruel in the United States. It was a global scandal, said the organization’s head of national security, Hina Shamsi.

“President Trump is desecrating the memory of the Iraqi victims and further degrading the presidency with this action,” he added.

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Will reverse Mueller investigation

Among those pardoned is also George Papadopoulos, who, among other things, was accused of giving a false statement in a letter specializing in investigator Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections.

(The case continues during the video)

The clemency is seen as another sting against the Mueller investigation, which was prompted in part by the Papadopoulos investigation. The Mueller investigation hovered over Trump for nearly two years of his presidency.

Alex van der Zwaan, who is also linked to the Mueller investigation, is also pardoned. The AP news agency writes that this is part of a comprehensive attempt by Trump to reverse the results of the investigation, which led to charges against several of his close supporters.

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I spent money on my daughter’s birthday

Former Republican Democrat Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins are also among the people now being pardoned by Trump.

Collins was the first in Congress to support Trump. He was sentenced to two years and two months in prison for providing inside information to his son.

Hunter was sentenced to eleven months in prison after admitting to stealing campaign funds. He used them on everything from nights on the town to throwing birthday parties for his daughter.

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